Hello PCers, I like many others on PC,THAT PRE-ORDERED Never received the promised swag. I asked my dealer about it and he asked me what it was. I would estimate that he sold at least 10. I wrote to Toyota about it, got no answer, wrote to Danny and got no answer. I seriously wonder about a company that cannot abide by its agreements. Now I see I cannot even reach the Prius Team. Anybody have a good address? TY
Andy, Ask Erica if you are on her list. She said the final group should receive their gifts soon. However, it's not that big of a deal. Just a token of their appreciation - a PIP bag, an inside window decal and a LED night light, if I remember correctly.
What do you mean when you write "many others on PC…never received the promised swag"? I'd really like to see the data on "many others". If you pre-ordered through the Toyota system, then Erica and her Team are on it - I know they are trying to keep up, so if you were one of the later deliveries, they might not have sent it yet. If you pre-ordered through a PC Certified Dealer, and you didn't get something when you picked up your car, then Danny should have responded by now. From what I've read on this forum over the past few months, however, it is clear that some who didn't get any swag had cut their own deals, possibly at a PC certified dealer, but not through them. And many times, the same people did not go through Toyota's pre-order system, instead they signed up on a dealer wait list.
Essentially agree with all comments, but do not want to get into false assumptions on my part. I never though that the swags were going to be a big deal. But Yes, many people did not rec. it. I cannot any longer find an address for the Prius team or Erica, it looks as tho they are out of business ( no longer, part of Prius Chat) Thanks for all responses.
Yes, TY, I saw that, but don't believe it. Prius Team Thread is closed to replies, think that one over. BUT, Thankyou for your reply.
andy, if you pm me your address, i will send you mine. it was a thrill to get it, but now it's sitting in the closet untouched. i'd be happy to pass the thrill along to a fine member like you.
In her last post in the Updates thread, Erica said "... if you purchased or leased from an online order (ie placed your order back in Nov-Dec 2011 and went through with it) but didn't receive your goodie package, please send me a PM with your order confirmation number and last name." To PM Erica, click on PriusTeam in one of the threads, then in the popup box click Start a Conversation (that's the fancy new word for PM). Oh, and no one ever promised us swag from Toyota. This was an extra.
Very nice of you to make this offer Bisco, but I do not want you to go to any trouble.. But I Thank you again. Andy.
Andy, just start a conversation with the Prius team on here, they are not gone like you said. There were two seperate things. One was swag from Toyota for per ordering. One was from Danny if you per ordered with a certified priuschat dealer. Danny should be contacted concerning swag from ordering through a certified priuschat dealership; Prius team for pre ordering in general from the Toyota website.
Paradox, I did get the Swag Bag from the Prius team, but weren't we supposed to get some other swag if we pre-ordered and used a 'PC certified' dealer? radio
Yup, that's what I had written. If you ordered from a dealer listed by Danny as a pc certified dealer you should get something from Danny or from the dealer if Danny sent the stuff to the dealer. I don't know anything about how it works so those questions have to be directed at Danny.
I told Danny I didn't need the swag; I wouldn't have used any of it. We were also supposed to get "One year free PriusChat Premium membership." I'm still waiting and hoping that any benefits will be applied retroactively to my floor mats, which I bought from Danny to support the site.
Did finally get thru to Erica and she promised to forward a package. I Thank everybody for thier help. The most annoying thing about the whole ordering process was the fact that it did not work ( for me ) Why ? I don't know. I tried for multiple days. Two types of computer. The last six months has been a quality contest between the three computer failing programs, The Fed tax, the California tax and Toyotas defunct system.
Yea, I'm in the same boat. No SWAG from either this Danny bloke or from Toyota. Not sure why -- I used the pre-order system, did the process with PriusChat -- got the discount of $500 at least. Have even ordered a couple times from PriusChat accessories. Disappointed, but at least I have a nice car to drive. I've given up - frankly don't have the time to followup with everyone multiple times on this stuff and by the time it gets here I probably won't even appreciate it.