Well! That is really cool. You have the choice of working with the Colville dealer. I visited them once recently and they looked like a nice operation. Have you dealt with them before? I don't get the impression that a large number of PiPs have been sold in our area although I know both dealers have sold at least one. Both dealers in Spokane appear to have the training and equipment to service them. It may have something to do with availability from the factory. Both dealers have a demo which is not for sale (both told me that Toyota just loaned them the cars). If you would like "meet" my car, PM me and we will get together.
If You go to Appleway Toyota ask for Jeff Foss. He sold me my Plug-in and is really a nice person and really help full! The show room Plug-in was on the floor when I bought mine a white one. They should be able to sell that one soon I would think!
I dealt with Carter Toyota in Colville for a million years. Let's just say we had a difference of opinion a few years back. The other day when I was talking to the salesman at the dealership that has the PiP, he said they had an advanced that has now been moved from "demo" to "used certified." And it's for sale. I spoke to a different salesman this morning but I forgot to ask him the price. I suspect there's not much in savings since according to the first salesman the demo only has 500 miles on it. It would be great to meet you and your car. I still haven't made up my mind, which is good for bargaining, i.e. not falling in love with one or the other, which car I'm going to get. I have a feeling once I see yours that bargaining power will be lost .... lol. I'll PM you.
You bought yours at Appleway in Spokane? That's quite a distance to go from WI to WA to buy a car....lol. I forgot about Appleway ... I can drop in there or phone them. Thanks for the reminder.
Yea! 1454 miles, 23 hours bring my baby home. If you go down to Appleway, Allannde is only a short distance away, give him a call!