This mod makes it easier to clean the Back window, just pop the cover off trim the cover to just past the retainer block. reinstall done! (ignore the camera man!) View attachment 38334
hmm.. i try to minimize destructive modifications that i cannot undo... for me.. it's just better to pop off the cover and move the wiper out of the way every time i clean my rear window. now there's just a big empty gap where you cut that cover out.
i am thinking it is going to be fun to find a replacement blade anywhere but the toy dealer......, much less a different size
I haven't looked all that closely, but it seems to be pretty close to reaching the top of the window. I'm not sure there's much room to increase the length without it whacking the top.
I agree! There actually is room to increase the size of the blade, I need to start looking. It's like the wiper is positioned for the passenger more than the driver.
I agree very much. Lol just leave it be idk y Toyota did it like that most wipers you can just lift right up.
i do not know.. most times i don't flip the wiper up completely... just lift it enough to wipe the window underneath.