I just got my new 2012 Prius (package 3). When I turn on the headlights (2 clicks), no icon shows up on the dash (unlike my 2006 Prius). I thought this was weird but ok. When I switched to the brights for the first time, the headlights icon came on with the brights icon! I was wondering if this is still normal (no icon for headlights up to 2 clicks, 3rd click for brights turns on headlights and brights icons), or if I need to make a trip in to get that looked at? Thanks!
Is there an auto setting on your model, the 3? If its like mine, and you're twisted all the way 'down' 2 clicks would be parking lights. 3 clicks 'up' would be the headlights. All the way down is off, then one up is auto, then another is parking lights and one more is headlights on. My dad has a base Plug-in so the stalk would be like yours but I just can't remember how his is right now...
We get a green icon at the far right of the display. We have Off on the stalk then DRL the parking then headlights. Have to push the stalk for the high beams. I think you're confusing the parking lights with the headlights. iPad ? HD