Yaaaay. Everything went smoothly! The thing is, with all of the research and advance preparation, I'm not nearly as entranced with the MFD as I thought I'd be. Classic Silver, package #6... It's rainy out, but I'll post pictures as soon as it gets sunny.
You made me look that up! (MFD). It's taking lots of work to learn the Prius shorthand lingo. Congrats.
Hey Wynder: We have something in common. I am leaving in about 10 minutes to pick mine up too. Way cool. We are having rain here too today in Wisconsin. So I will be waiting until it gets sunny out too to take pictures. But again, I better not say that too loud. It could take until Spring otherwise the way old man winter runs the weather. :lol:
CONGRATS!!! The entrancement of the MFD will come in time. Maybe not all at once, but it'll show up. After a year and a half my wife still gets on me for paying too much attention to the screen and pushing too many buttons while driving.
Tracy, read the info in the knowledge base forum and it will explain such terms. (and/or File Library) MFD = Multi-Function Display
I picked up mine today too. Driftwood pkg 7. Everything went well until I took it to lunch and forgot how to start it (forgot I had to depress brake while I hit start button). My 14 year old daughter was dying from laughter.
Same thing happened to me when I got mine last September. I couldn't make it go when I got in to drive it home from the dealer. Had to go in and ask the technician, fortunately he didn't laugh at least not while I was there.
Congratulations!!!! I just picked up my 06 today too.... Im so happy I feel like a little kid! Just out of curiosity, I'd love to take a Prius Class, does anybody know if such a thing exists in the SF Bay Area? Happy Driving!!!!!