One of our local dealerships has a 2006 package 7, silver with silver interior for MSRP. . . . and it isn't claimed for yet!!!!!!
awesome thought to help out others here on the website! Might want to add where the dealership is located?
Stanger, I saw this thread and your "I just got mine" thread in my list of 'new posts since last visit.' At first, I expected to read that you were trying to sell the one you just bought. I'm glad I'm wrong.
Nope, I don't have one yet. I've just been looking at them for quite a while. I just can't make up my mind of whether I am completely comfortable giving up all the room in SuperCrew for the Prius. But, I've got to decide fast though! I'm driving my wife crazy and I have a guy very interested in buying my truck if I decide to sale it.