Does anyone have a link or high quality photos of the bisque leather? There are several with the "Dark Grey" which appears much lighter than on the Toyota websight. Is the bisque just a lighter grey (like the Toyota pictures) or does it really have a tan in it.
The color of the above photos looks like the Taupe in the 06 Sienna. I'm guessing its the same leather, except in the Prius is has perforated leather where its all solid in 06 Sienna. There appears not to be a tremendous difference in the colors, in that neither take the dark or deep approach. This makes it easier to take whichever leather comes in the package 8 I'm looking for.
I have been really confused on the "non-grey" color. My dealer listed it as "ivory" in their books. I have aslso seen it descriibed as "beige" as "bisque". I think on the web site it is bisque. On order 2006 seaside NW8 "ivory" William
On some Mulroney stickers, the non-grey interior is listed as "Quartz". None of this makes any sense. I wish Toyota would explain themselves, as this is no way to run a business.
Ivory is discontinued in '06 in favor of bisque, which indeed is seen on some stickers as Oak, etc. I believe the stickers themselves are printed at the dealer (or perhaps the Region level). To Toyota corporate, it's bisque, and very tan (I've seen it), and it's much lighter than the gray, which is darker this year than last---though darker than ivory. Got that?
cdavid, are the two I posted not high enough? Those are 1600x1200 if I'm not mistaken. Also, Toyota's Oak leather is a bit darker (check 98-01 Camry). Ivory is lighter.
Well my driftwood was supposed to bisque and here is what it looks like (picture from the dealer) He called it bisque on the paper work it is called ivory. I think it is left overs from 2005.......oh well guess I will have to learn to be cleaner
I sent him an e-mail and he says the color is bisque for sure. Thinks it was the camera he used. Guess will have to wait and see. So far he has been very straight with me.