It's taken me a little while to get used to how easy the doors swing wide open on the C. My old car had stops in between closed and open where it would stay. My girlfriend has let it hit the sidewalk, and grass a couple times now Have ya'll noticed this, maybe I'll put door trim around the corner or something....
Mine has stops, just like other cars. Yours doesn't stop anywhere at all? Just swings wide? That sounds like something wrong. Are they all like that?
I guess I shouldn't say it doesn't, but they seem really slight to me. My fit would hold it when parked at an angle but this will not.
Yeah at an angle/downhill it doesn’t hold that well, I noticed that too when trying to get out and the door comes back hitting my knee. On another note now that we talk about the doors, anyone notice the difference in sound the rear doors make when you close them VS the ones in the front? The rear doors sound cheap and hollow compared to the once in the front. See if you notice that.