I looked under my car the other day and was a little surprised to see the power cable running along the bottom. I guess I just assumed it was inside the car. Toyota knows what they are doing though, so who am I to question. But then I started thinking with all the rain we received yesterday what if you drove through a large puddle how water proof or splash resistant is it under there... At what point would it be a problem, if it was 2 ft, 3 ft. Just curious I suppose, I'm not taking it boating or anything
The cable itself has a pretty durable and thick silicone coating. Under the car there is an additional protective layer over the cable to prevent exposure and damage. Lastly I'm sure there are fuses or automotive circuit breakers to protect both the battery and the car from a short. I don't think that this should ever be an issue. Water will not be a problem, the connectors are not down low where it would be an issue.
Thanks - I love that bike and I get 47MPG riding it really fast and aggressive. I wanted the nightster, but glad i went with the Iron - more engine would have gotten me into some trouble.
At risk of turning this into an HD forum, I just wanted to chime in here. I bought a 2009 nightster at the end of model year. The salesman gently suggested that I'd be happier with the Nightster with its 1200cc engine. To sweeten that point, he knocked off a bunch of money and made a deal for a few hundred more than the iron. The iron is a sweet bike, but it only took a few miles to agree with the salesman. Love my Nighster and the sportster in general. After 3 years, I do toy with the idea of trading up for a Fat Bob. So just to bring it back to a vaguely prius type theme here.... I'm proud of the fact that both of my gas-operated vehicles get more than 40mpg. The one drawback of the nightster is that around town it gets about 36mpg. On the highway running gas with low or no ethanol, I've gotten as high as 46mpg. My Baby Prius averages 50mpg... Happy Motorying everyone!
They tried to get me to buy the Nightster instead of the Iron as well, but I was trading in a Yamaha XS400 that would get 57MPG on the HWY all day long. I do like to go fast and the smaller engine on the Iron keeps me in check. Worst tank on the Iron was 42 MPG and that was due to average speeds above 90MPH most of the time, Jackrabbit starts, and some 100MPH+ stretches on open back country roads. If I ride the bike for efficiency I was able to manage 1 tank at 58MPG, but can easily break 50 any day. My prius on the other hand - I drive like a grandma, pulse and glide, people honking at acceleration, and have still yet to break 50 MPG. I still think there is something wrong with my car, but I can say its better than the 36 MPG my 2012 C was getting before the computer was replaced.