At Toyota dealership for 10g service. I mentioned that my air conditioning system, not matter when/how activated, will always default to recirculation mode e.g. new engine start/choose A/C - always defaults to Recirculated air, and remains there until I change it to fresh air. Service writer said: duh Is this normal? Thanks for any information you can provide B
When it's hot, and my car's set to "normal" mode, it starts out in recirculate, gradually reduces fan speed, then switches to fresh air. However, when set to "eco", it remains in recirculate mode. My guess is that is where you have your car set. Try switching to "norma"l and see it it behaves differently.
The manual says recirc mode "will help reduce the burden on the air conditioner and reduce fuel consumption". Perhaps this is why it stays on in ECO mode?
Mine (v3) too defaults to recirc, and I don't like it, because often the inside temp is higher than outside when starting, and also I want fresh air to come in.