So we've been getting fantastic mileage this spring using mostly EV mode, but a couple of days when it's been warmer, we haven't been able to get our car into EV mode. I'm guessing it's because the OEM battery is too warm? Or is there another cause? Thanks for your help. Jeanne
There are many reasons EV mode might not engage. It could be the traction battery is too hot or the inverter is too hot. See this post: Thanks, Stockton.
I think I am going to go up against this issues to. Does anyone know what to do after outside temps hit 99plus Farnht besides finding shade.......
I also have been having, what I think is an over temperature problem with my 4kw Enginer kit. It keeps cycling down the Output voltage to o, then back to ~15. It's really frustrating. I can't believe the installed customer base accepts this (compromised power delivery above ~30 Deg C during the summer) so I think something is definately wrong. The probem is just figuring out exactly what, without any service centers near by! (Closest one is about an hour west of me, in mid Mass) It's a real bummer beacuse you get the hit in the winter (less efficiency) and then again in the summer with this, presumed "over temp protection". Jack C. has said this is what he thinks is going on. I am just now thinking of some additional fan support. I already removed my OEM rear wheel/trunk cover to get more air movement/cooling. ARRG. PS: here is a picture of my spreadsheet on gas mileage. It shows tank-wise mileage - not as impressive as I had hoped! (note that some of that poor performance is understood - Highway miles after the kit was depleated, or bikes on the roof... Anyways. I was hoping for something greater than ~65MPG avg, when kit is on
If the OEM traction battery is too hot, a fan mod could resolve this. Please refer to detail at HomePage
I hit the wall yesterday!!!I got the red triangle of death. When outside ambient temp is 100 plus. I am also gettin reduce mileage here in hot dry drought Texas. I always use shaded areas but have realize that better only to use my 4kw in lower temps or at nights. All that stainless steel does not dissapate heat just hold amb temp.
Or if you have a scangauge, you could use the x-gauge and program it to turn the HV blower on full blast 6.