I listen to a lot of podcasts on my way to work. Problem is, the second I plug in my iPod the first song in alphabetical order immediately begins to play. Ideally I'd love for the thing to wait until I tell it what and when to play. I'm guessing there's no setting in the v that will let me do that, right?
Interesting thought! Just went out to the garage to test it (my wife thinks I'm nuts). The second you plug the iPod into the car, you get the Toyota screen on the iPod and the very first song in the iPod begins playing. Doesn't matter what the iPod was set to before plugging it in. And at that point, the iPod's controls go dead, since the car has taken it over. AND, I just discovered this: the car resets the iPod's "repeat" mode to "ALL" even if it was set to "OFF" before plugging it in. Buggy interface, apparently.
I can't tell you how that bugs me. I'm ready to "record" 60 seconds of silence and call it "AAAA" just to give me that 1 minute of quiet to turn off the music and switch the source to the podcasts.
Don't yell just on that forum. Register your complain here: Toyota’s Customer Experience Center at 1-800-331-4331
Just as an update, I called and filed a "case" about this. Not that it's a huge deal. Or that I think it'll do much good. I just caved in last night and recorded 1 minute of silence, named it AAAAA and put it on the iPod. At least now I have 60 seconds first thing in the morning to find the podcasts before the music starts to blare.
This is interesting as I just got my v-3 this afternoon and experienced same problem, although first thing played is an old audiobook. Think I'll also record 60 seconds of silence.n
Forgot to mention: the other thing I told Toyota about this is that the car's software puts my iPod into "repeat all" mode. It's impossible to turn it off except by unplugging the iPod. Then when you plug it in again... there it is again. It's soooooo close to perfection!