Well, I said if we get one, it may as well be a focal point of the room... Been looking at a lot of different types over the last week or so... some of the period pieces just looked so, common, and the modern styles kinda clash with the slot machine and the telephone collection... I think the frau has her heart set on this one... http://www.mbwfurniture.com/images/HD-286-CHAISE.jpg It isn't clashing with the other stuff in the room, and any bigger and it ain't getting in the front door... I was wondering if any of my fellow members have a chaise and what made you decide on the one you have...
Note to self... do not hit the return key at all in the poll creation process... Those of you without a chaise, need not respond if you feel (as I do) that there aren't enough options...
If *she* wants a chaise and *you* do not, I think you should hover around her as she's sitting on some in a furniture store and constantly say things like, "Okay...and how did this make you feel?" or "When did this happen to you as a child?" or "Do you feel your parents' ____ treatment of you makes you feel ____ now?"
I didn't really want to change out the whole look of the room with other furniture, but, come to think of it now, if I had done that originally, it may have been cheaper than getting this one piece...
Hmmm....why do I get the feeling it is YOUR slot machine and YOUR telephone collection, and the "changing with other furniture" was YOUR idea...Is this chaise her first large contribution to the room?
You're funny Bra... she had the slot machine before I met her, it's been in three different rooms in this house since I've been with her (so, redecorating is not unusual around here)... and we contributed to the phone collection, albeit half of my contribution is on the back patio instead of in the house... I didn't want to change the room much at all, but, I didn't get to stay with what we have... sooooo... in order to appease the Queen of the house, I will try to accommodate her wishes when I am able and can find the time to make it happen (and yes, I know who the Queen is, right now, she is napping)... I saw another one sorta the same style in a different color pattern on ebay this morning... tan and gold... I'm still thinking the red... gonna bid/buy one or the other one by tomorrow night.
ammObob, This Chaise Longue designed by Le Corbusier in 1928 is said to be one of the most comfortable piece of lounging furniture, bar none. And one could argue it would go well with collectable 20th century ephemerata like telephones and slot machines, both complementing them, but standing on its own four feet as an art object in its own right. It is available on the web for from ~$800 to $2000. The more expensive versions are faithful reproductions down to real leather and even the pony skin shown above. The cheaper versions break down for shipping and have fake leather and even embroidered pony skin. Of course, YMMV... even when just lounging about. Le Corbusier Chaise Lounge (LC4) | Bauhaus 2 Your House | Free Shipping
I've seen em over the years... they do look comfy... the frau has her eye on a particular style though Bra... I have really only been able to use reason for size... like, "My love, that one won't fit through the doors in our house... " Other than that, she is fairly set on having sculpted wood, big curves at the head and the feet, and an arm on the wall side so the folks that come over don't get their head on our walls... What you posted does look comfy though...
WOW... I had to print their form they sent me, sign it, scan it back into a pdf and email back to them... then they have the shipper call me with delivery details...
Delivered yesterday... The frau sat on it for over two hours after the kid and I carried inside the house... they only delivered to the driveway... I had to take the front door off to get it to squeeze in sideways - headfirst... it weighed about 130-140, it shipped at 195 lbs... the shippers had it strapped it to a pallet and had it wrapped up tighter than any sofa I ever saw in my life... it took me almost 15 minutes to get all the wrapping off so we could carry it inside. BTW... as a note to any of my fellow members considering getting a chaise that has these curves... it didn't have handles, and the curves are in all the wrong places to lift or carry the darn thing... I suggest using straps if you ever have to attempt a move using only two people and going through a narrow door. It still has a slight smell of curing varnish, so I imagine they touched up scuff marks on the stained wood before they wrapped it up... I looked the chaise over from top to bottom, not a scratch, ding or mark anywhere that isn't supposed to be there... the piping is better looking than the pictures gave, and the accent pillows are exactly as pictured too... the gold one fit perfectly under the frau's small of her back to sit up slightly. Now to move the victrola and get a telephone chair for the other side of the living room and that room will be completed. Just the kitchen, bath and garage left and my move in will be complete (well, except for the yards, I still haven't finished them) Susan has heard some offers from some of our friends about "breaking it in"... I guess they like the new look in the room too.