Does anyone know if there's any listing of Toyota service centers that people have been happy with in regards to their Toyota Prius? I've read quite a bit about complaints. I've seen evidence of poor quality service from Toyota service from within the 1st month of owning my 2005 Toyota Prius. I've got a few more months until I'll need to get my 1st oil change and so maybe I might drive a little further for service if I know of a dealer that has gotten high marks in service.
If you posted your location, you might be able to get help from folks with Priuses in your general area/region.
The following is a list of all the good Toyota Service Centers that I've found in the Washington DC area:
It was my first car, and because I owned one, I'm quite comfortable with the Prius' shifter on the dash.
this will all depend on the dealership's committment to quality and the individual that works on your car. my universal advice (my husband is a mechanic) is to find someone who does a good, thorough job on your car and pays attention to detail. someone like that will take good care of you and your car, and get the job done right. the ones who are only in it for the money will do things the quick and dirty way to get your car out the door and don't deserve your return business. as far as oil changes go, i'd avoid the 'express lube center' dealers as they tend to put a lot of pressure on their guys to get things done fast (29 min flat), and there's less emphasis on getting things done right. seen a few cars come back from those places in bad shape. that said, giving us your location will help greatly in sending you somewhere good for your service.
SO TRUE! I have had a 12 yr relationship with my local dealership because they give excellent service. They have several techs qualified to work on the Prius. They will even introduce me to the techs and I can specify who I want to perform service on my car if I wish! Springtime
all dealers should be like that. that's the best way to do things. they definitely have earned your business. all customers should be able to meet their techs if they so desire, any dealer that keeps their techs locked away in the shop and refuses to let them discuss things with the customer must have something to hide... if you ask me anyway. being able to ask for a certain tech is good. returning to the same tech every time and asking for him to work on your car is a great compliment to the tech and gets you consistent service. typically they remember their repeat customers and their specific needs from their cars, which is good all around. well i'm glad to hear someone's happy with their service center
In southern Minnesota, Mankato area, we have been pleased and impressed with Heintz Toyota. The dealership is clean, organized and they have handled our service needs with out comment, even my request to drain out a little crank case oil to correct the overfill a few days after we took delivery of the '04. First time I have ever really been impressed with a dealership. They are first rate.
In the Northwest it would be hard to beat Toyota of Olympia. Highly qualified Techs and great service.
I have dealt with TOYOTA CITY located in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota on and off for thirty years. Never had a problem and all of the people I know that deal with them have been well satisfied at all levels Tom
bought the wife an AN600 not the S and it was a good car. Heater was just marginal in the winter time especially when we lived in nothern B.C. but you just dressed for it and you loved long hills in the winter. If you drove it at 50MPH it would get 60MPG and if you drove at 60MPH it would give you 50MPG Never even thought about the 4 on the dash but you just got used to it. Put almost 45,000 miles on it and sold it the the BIL and he put 2 more years on it. It was fun!
Any one know a good dealer service center for the Prius in NJ? Having a horrible time with the one located in Wood-ridge/ Carsldat, NJ right now. Thanks.
In NY DCH Wappingers Toyota has been good to me they will do Oil Change and free NYS inspection like $30 can't beat that.
I highly recommend Luscious Garage for anyone in San Francisco. But you know, we are the Prius capital!