There's a thread on this subject that dates back to December of 2004: I also bought the portfolio from Kendall since the manuals and other material were just dumped in the glove compartment when I took delivery.
Jim, Same dealer... same cheesy grey vinyl case. They gave it to me almost appolgetically, and said that they would be orderins some nicer ones but that it would take a few months. They said to come back then. I doubt that I will. I'll probably order the ones that were shown on a link in this post... unless I see something better locally. /Jim
Hamer Toyota in Mission Hills, CA gave me a red, cheap vinyl one that had the dealer's insignia on it. I may buy one from Kendall. Although they did give me a pad of the starting instructions to get to valet's, which I understand that some dealer's do not.
Got nothing. I got a plastic folder from my insurance agent for proof of insurance, registration etc. Nice to have if I ever get in a accident (heaven forbid) or get stopped for something like driving too slow. I have been thinking about getting something because sometime when I put things it the glove box they make some noise on bumpy roads if I do not put them in straight. Also I am getting enough receipts for accessories and service that I need something.
got a little black vinyl thing with the toyota logo on the front in red. holds everything and fits in the back slot in the glovebox. works fine for me.
I got a little grey suede-ish folder to hold all the materials. And there were a lot of things that came with the car. Half the crap isn't even needed in the car so I took it out. Only left the manual, nav manual, the service schedule, and business of all people at delaership I needed. Still pretty full though, with a 400+ page manual!
Red vinyl with dealer's logo. It looks like a generic one for every Toyota vehicle that they deliver. It bearly fits all the books.
AT-A-GLANCE® Desk Size Planner Cover Great option, found at my local Staples. Holds owner's manual, scheduled maintenance booklet, business cards, registration, insurance card and a pen. No room for warranty booklets, but no real need for them in car anyway.