In the first 60 minutes they: Changed oil (owner-supplied Mobil 1, 5W-30, $36) for $25 Adjust all brakes, clean rear brakes, $64 Recommended against brake fluid change for at least 1-2 services Replaced engine filter, $30 Replaced cabin filter, $40 After these services they called to say that they were out of PCV valves. I asked them to go buy one and they did. I also authorized the inverter coolant change after I had asked for an inspection. In the next 75 minutes they: Replaced PCV valve ($12 parts, $107 assembly) Inspected and recommended flushing inverter coolant system ($80 labor) with SLLC2 super long life coolant ($20) Replaced drive belt ($19 part, $119 labor) What surprised me a bit is how quickly they changed the belt, coolant and PCV valve. All work was done at Thompson Toyota in Edgewood. The ATF fluid was replaced at 40,000 miles. Any comments? Thanks!
Oil - about right. Clean & adjust brakes: Should be $0. Brakes are self adjusting and the rear brakes shouldn't need "cleaning." Replacing engine filter: Should be just parts cost - it takes about 2 min. Replacing cabin filter: Should be just parts cost - it takes about 2 min. PCV valve isn't easy on that - it took me ~1 hour when I did it. Flushing inverter - 1 gallon of fluid (~$20) and takes maybe 20 min. Drive belt - Go in from the top, ~15 minutes. $119?!?!
The PCV really isn't that hard. IIRC access is tight but it should be well within reach for anyone who can cope with oil changes and drive belts. If you search around you will find a tutorial or two. I did it and don't recall being traumatized by the experience.
Rear drum brakes most certainly require periodic cleaning and adjustment. I hose them down with brake cleaner then adjust the star wheel to ensure proper shoe to drum clearance. Self-adjusters do not work well enough to ensure optimal adjustment. 1/2hr labor is not unreasonable. Most dealers charge $70-$90 to replace that cabin filter, not that I agree with it. I guess they made up for that labor charge with the drive belt replacement.