My car was involved in an accident with impact to the driver side headlight. THe coolant system, AC condensor, fan motor and radiator were all replaced under the hood. The body shop brought the car back to the dealership and the water pump fuze blew and was repaired. SInce I have gotten my car back the fan runs excessively at external temps above mid 80s even when the AC is off and appear rather loud and fast running. Prior to the accident the fan shut off when the AC shut off; and upon test driving 2 other 2010 Prius' the fan only came on with the AC running and then returned to the quiet Prius motor. Also the radiator fan appears to be pumping some pretty hot air out of the front vents. What is potentially wrong with my vehicle to have these noises that did not exist pre-accident?
Similar sounding issues have turned out to be a case of the cooling fan(s) being installed/mounted backwards!
Thank you for advice. Body shop has installed new radiator fan and air flow is thowards the motor. However, I am still having the loud noise of the AC compressor fan running even when the AC is off. Any additional ideas of why this fan runs on warmer days??? I know my Prius was quiet pre-accident when the AC shut off. This fan ran 5 mins or more when my car was in PARK. And even after sitting for 5-10 minutes when the power was off, I restarted the car, NO AC turned on and the compressor fan was running??? Why is this happening???