oh, my husband is AWFUL with money. let's say we only had him managing the finances for about 2 months of our 6 years together... he gets $40 cash/week for soda and snacks at work, which he can take out of each paycheck. he is not allowed to use the checking account for any of his soda or snacks, and if he does, then he only gets $20 the next week to feel my wrath. :lol: when we are going to buy something big ($100 or more) we go together. i do all the regular shopping (groceries, personal items, etc.) if he wants to buy a bunch of tools from the tool guy, he is under express orders to discuss it with me first so we can determine how much he can spend. now when i send him out christmas shopping that's a problem because i can't know what he's getting or how much he's spending. overall things work out well this way. i'm happy, he's happy, we've got all we need, and both our credit scores are good or excellent. he's learning to deal better with money too.
Actually, I won't even pretend to be disciplined in entering the expenses. It's the evaluation of the entered data that's the most important. Every month when the credit card bill comes, I enter all the line items into MS Money. No reason for me to do day-to-day entering. Then when the bank statement comes, I enter all those items into Money. One of the checks is for the credit card statement which means that the change in the checking account starting and ending balances is equal to the entries on both statements. We only use one statement so it's that's it. If you have more than one, it's the same principal. Then I graph and report the spending to see how we did. I do it entirely in a historical manner. When everything balances out, I spend at most an hour (per month) entering things. But as the data builds over the months, I might spend a few hours a few times a month reviewing spending habits and altering my behavior accordingly.
I tend to be a "focussed wastrel" -- i.e., I'm fairly conservative with $$ on consumables -- except for certain things. Like books. Amazon.com owns my nice person. One way I've learned to alleviate this -- spend wastefully on very cheap things, to make myself happy. Cheese popcorn is extremely cheap, and generally low in calories. BTW, GreenMachine -- let me add my congratulations to others. It's rare to see someone resist the urge to buy in this country -- it's really difficult. Kudos to you!
Re: Decided to not buy a Prius right now -- Gulp! If I hear of a good book being advertised, I go to Ebay and usually can buy it at a cheaper price than Amazon. It's the same book so why pay more?
I got 208,000 out of my Subaru. I would have gotten a lot more if I didn't live in a place where they salt the roads. Good luck.
Re: Decided to not buy a Prius right now -- Gulp! Nice when you revive a 6 year old thread! Car loan rates are now around 4%, 0r less! Time to buy a car and help the economy out!
Re: Decided to not buy a Prius right now -- Gulp! A friend of mine was able to get approved for a new or used car loan at 2.5%. Of course, after she bought her car, I found https://www.cefcu.com/promos/car-sale.php (1.89% APR).
they're also expensive and sometimes it's easy to get sucked into the 'fun' and regret the 'expensive' later on.
haha, when we bought our 2009 Toyota Corolla, had to talk my wife into getting the 3 year no interest loan (sales person couldn't believe us "discussing" the merits of taking the loan). I put the amount in a 3 year cd (at time was 4 or 5 %). My wife still paid it off early... It bothered her and wanted it over making that check out every month..
Re: Decided to not buy a Prius right now -- Gulp! I love, and by love I mean I want to hit myself, when sales people try to opine on what is best for me financially. I was the lucky recipient of some only mildly-covered mocking incredulity from an appliance sales person once, who was surprised at my hesitation to buy a washer/dryer, especially since I could get it for 12 months with no interest.
Re: Decided to not buy a Prius right now -- Gulp! Thanks for the encouragement everyone -- very helpful to my spirits this new years day as I imagine everyone going to pick up their brand new Prii very soon.