I have previously created threads for when Priuschat hit 5,000 members and - I think - 7,500 members. This time, I'm just going to make this generic thread. This way, I can update it as time goes on. I'm figuring every 1,000 members or so. The "Members" line speaks for itself, tracked on the left axis. I decided to add the "Time Delay" line to mark the time it takes the population to grow by 500 increments, tracked on the right axis. In case you're wondering why the dates are the 24th of November and May it's because Danny first put Priuschat online on November 24, 2003. And May is six-month intervals.
11,000 members! That deserves a wow! PriusChat has grown greatly in the last two years, and still remains the best Prius site on the Internet. IMHO Anyone know how many Prius have been sold since PriusChat started? It would be interesting to know what percentage of Prius owners frequent PriusChat.
I wish you would not post oversized graphics that cause the entire thread to be displayed in a window too large for my screen. Why not just post a thumbnail, so that clicking on it opens the full-size graphic?
That's what I had originally but didn't know / couldn't tell if anyone was opening it and looking at it. Also, updating a web file with a static reference seemed easier to me than removing and reattaching files when I needed to update the chart. As a compromise, I will make the image smaller.
Don't kill me for being a downer but I bet less than half of the members are active. Some people just sign up to make 1 post and then never come back. It still is a good way to know that new people are signing up and the power of the Prius is growing.
TonyPSchaefer Tony, When are you going to make posting your Location and Prius Year/Package MANDATORY!! I'm not a mind reader; it's really getting difficult to understand and respond to questions from (mostly new) PC members who don't supply this important information. The more members we have the worse the problem is getting. Maybe you (or someone else) should start a separate chat room for serious members!
I'd say 2 1/2% maybe less, that's about 300 active members, do you really think it's that high? I really don't think it is, more like 1% but at least it's still active.
Wow, that's about 1,000 a month. And while I don't think year and model should be mandatory, location would really help in answering a lot of the questions that come up.
actually if you do a search of members with at least 50 posts who have posted in the last month, we have 689 members. now that will leave out the very newest members who have not had a chance to get to 50 yet. so we do a search, people who have joined since feb 1, have less than 50 posts and have posted in the last week we have 105 that makes active members to be about 794.
Regardless to the percent of active "posting" members the concentration should be more to the active "viewing" members. I'm not sure why this site was created but I believe that its main purpose now is to inform people of the Prius. I don't post much, in fact this is only my 9th post, but I read the crap out of the posts. I just enjoy reading what others write about the Prius and get ideas from them along with building my own ideas from the ones I read. So even if only 5% post, I think 80% just read, 75% of which aren't even Prius owners but the reason they signed up is to learn about their "soon to be investment" and might want to ask questions. I signed up for PriusChat before I got a Prius just to learn more about them before I spent over 30 grand on one. ok I'm done now.
well a lot are just lookie loos and that is natural for a site that has matured. nearly every question asked has been answered so looking thru the archives can get most what they want. sure new stuff comes up once in a while but most is already been asked, told, related, or hashed out.
Meat of various discussions also comes up as google results and the like, so you'll get a lot of people dipping in for one or two posts or threads and probably not even realizing it. But if they're paying attention, they might go "ooh, that looks like a cool forum" and dig deeper... . _H*
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hobbit @ May 22 2006, 10:28 PM) [snapback]259536[/snapback]</div> /raises hand
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Vincent @ Feb 11 2006, 07:20 PM) [snapback]207907[/snapback]</div> I am almost never serious. :blink:
Updated July 13, 2006 16,000 members (graph on original post: at the very top) <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Apr 1 2006, 11:24 PM) [snapback]233654[/snapback]</div> I just decided to run the numbers on this. The average "inter-500 gap" for the entire lifespan of Priuschat is 29.994 days. So that's 1,000 members every 2 months. HOWEVER, from July 2005 - July 2006, the average is 20.94 days for 500 new members. In other words, in the last twelve months, there's been an average of one new member every hour. 20.94 days = 502.56 hours. 500 members / 502.56 hours = 0.995 members per hour.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bookrats @ Jan 2 2006, 09:09 AM) [snapback]182936[/snapback]</div> Wow man... Kiss Army is that anything like Dead Heads? I need to go out and work on the VW van it needs another new engine. third since 69. bummer man.