I was in an accident that was 100% the other person's fault. The other driver's ins co has accepted 100% blame. The bodyshop where my 2009 Prius (with just under 100,000 miles) sits has appraised the damage at $9200. My insurance co is doing the legwork and has decided to total it. They have offered me $14,200. I can't replace my wonderfully running car for anywhere near that. In fact the closest is $19,000. and up. What really sucks is that the ins co appraiser said it's because the salvage price is so high for these cars its better for them to total it and sell it at auction, for I assume more than the $9200 to fix it. So where does this leave me? Anyone got any advice? Thanks.
Have you sent them the results of your car shopping? How did they arrive at their valuation? If you can find a few cars that were similar to what you were driving that cost more, you might get a better offer. Galaxy Nexus ? 2
I did tell him about the prices that I've found. And said I can't even come close to replacing it for that low offer. He said they send their appraisal to some company in Spokane, WA (close to me) who does the valuations. Now I'm waiting for the "total" dept to call me. The appraiser wouldn't even tell me the salvage value. As I said, it must be over $9200. And he went on the say that because of the Tsunami that parts for Japanese cars are harder to get and more expensive. That's why the salvage value is worth so much. Just pisses me off. What good is insurance if they don't cover your complete loss?
Start by filing a complaint with Washington State's Office of the Insurance Commissioner. This puts the company on notice, and the state will pursue the issue with them. I had a similar situation in New York quite a few years ago now - the insurance company totaled my Honda Civic CRX Si, the top of the line fuel-injected model with lots of extras, and ignored all the evidence I presented to show it was worth far more than the standard CRX they were using for valuation. After the insurance commissioner talked to them they agreed to pay for the full amount of the repairs.
The body shop guys, good guys I might add, suggested that also. Thanks, I'm going to do that right now.
You might try giving the "total department" a chance to work it out first, before going with any of the excellent advice above to hire an attorney or complain to the state insurance commissioner. Years ago my first Saab was totaled. At one point in its life, ash from Mt St Helens had gotten into the instrument cluster that included the odometer and it had to be replaced. The mileage at the time of replacement was noted on the door label. The appraiser low-balled the value because, since the mileage on the odometer was so low, he assumed it had turned over. I pointed out that the odometer was 6 digits (he had assumed 5) and the probability that I'd driven it for more than 999,999 miles was slim. I told them to check the door for the correct mileage. I had to have that conversation with several people and work my way up the food chain. But eventually someone actually checked the car, and their evaluation was adjusted to a reasonable amount. So go in armed with as much data as you can gather, and prepare to be persistent.
wow, you are in a tough spot. you can find a Prius for $15,000 but like yours, it will have over 100,000 miles on it and that is what is killing your evaluation. when estimating value, they apply a formula that allows for 15,000 miles a year and add to the value if you are under that, subtract from the value if you are over that, so guessing they baselined you at 60,000 miles so being 40,000 miles over is going to be a pretty large hit.
Thats close to being exactly what they said mileage wise...52,300 average. And I would love to find an equivalent Prius 100,000 miles or so for what they're offering me. That's my big problem. I can't replace it for what they're offering me. And it's because the "salvage value" is high. Well duh, so is buying another excellent car. I did get some good ammunition from the Insurance Commissioners office. I'll present it to my attorney. This ain't over yet. Oh, Dave, yes I'm going to wait for the Salvage Dept to get in touch with me before I sent in the complaint form sent to me, or get to see my attorney. Assuming they get back to me before the appointment next week.
OMG, they cheaped you out on the mileage rates. they prorated your mileage to the end of the year! then again, Insurance companies wrote the book on penny pinching. how bad is the damage. frame damage, hybrid component damage? guessing by the cost to fix, probably not. you might be better off to take the settlement, bid on the car when it comes to auction, buy it back and pay the $9200 to get it fixed. i had a friend who did that right at the height of the UIA hysteria and pretty sure he made out that way. i think he bought his Prius back for like $3000 or so
The totalled dept phoned this morn. Told me the salvage value is $5068. Said I could buy it back for that. The settlement offer is $14,270.37 ....take off the $5068 and we have $9202.78. The repair estimate was $9200. And they still totalled it. If they hadn't totalled it but had ordered it repaired there'd be no salvage title. I would have done it. I still don't understand why they didn't. Oh well.... Foolishly, or not, I went and looked at some new Priuses today. Found a 2012 Barcelona Red package 2. The sticker was $24,000 plus the infernal destination charge. The guy told me I could get it for less than that since it's "aged". Guess that means because the 2013's will be out soon. Had I not looked at new I probably would have taken the buy back deal on the 2009 and had it fixed. But now I've decided it would be cool to have a new car. And a color I like. I never liked the sh** brown of my 2009. Plus I asked people on the 2012 board if the mileage on the 2012's is the same as my 2009. Someone told me the newer cars are better for mgp. That sold me. I like to challenge myself to constantly up my mileage...probably the same for everyone here. So shortly I'll have a new purty car to play with if we can come to terms. Thanks for your replies.
Good luck with the new car. As for the settlement offer, if 14k is about the market value of the 2009 Prius with 100k, then that was an appropriate offer. The reason they did not repair the vehicle is because there was probably extensive damage that would have likely resulted in numerous expensive supplements after the initial estimate, and totaling out the vehicle at this point made the most sense.
2010s and newer in hatchback are rated higher in mileage plus u got near 100k miles in 4 yeaars umight be better off to get new If u do decide to redo the 09, domt buy the car from the insurance Co. buy it when it goes to auction. U probably save a fewgrand that way
Just seems low to me. Especially since I started to look at used ones with 100,000 miles. They were all a few, to more than a few, thousand more. Part of it was I was totally innocent and then had this stress shoved onto my shoulders and lost my beloved car. And you're right again...when I spoke to the totalled dept lady this morning, after all was said and done, I asked her why they didn't repair it since it was so close. She said what you said, if there was hidden damage it would increase the repair bill making it more expensive to repair and over the value. Live and learn. Lesson...don't be an innocent driver, become an idiot and feel better.
That's what F8L told me on the other forum. Better mileage. Already decided to go new. Hopefully I can love the new one like I loved the old one. Thanks.
If you are a member, get quotes through www.aaa.com redirect. Gas prices are rising so don't wait too long.
Damn...I missed this also. Sorry. It's travellers. Or at least was, I'm not thrilled with their valuation so I'm going to switch...probably Enumclaw.