So the Prius techs over at DH's shop want to know. How clean is the inside of your car? Seems like 75% of the Prii that come in there are filthy, nasty, and gross inside. They want to know if it's a population demographic or what. The running joke over there is: "you may want to buy a prius to be efficient... but the hatch is not for composting" Comments, anyone? And don't everyone tell me it looks like you just drove the thing off the lot. We all know you're making it up. Unless you're one of the new 06 owners who literally did just drive it off the lot
only thing in the car is the squeege for cleaning the windows in the winter time. Other than that same as the day I bought it. I even vacuumed it the other day just for a splurge. Ok one dollar.
I noticed grease stains where someone's behind met my seat. Not sure which option to pick above. I guess I have to go with "A scrap of paper here, an empty soda bottle there, not bad though", although I think it was a little worse than that. Grease ain't pretty. Other than that, they left a lot of the shipping plastic coverings in place on my dash. They were in a big hurry to give me the car.
Yeah. I've noticed the same thing. There have been times when I've seen a Prius parked in a lot and go over to stick a Priuschat business card under the wiper. I look in to see if I can glean a little information about the driver. Sometimes I learn a little too much. I once had a Plymouth Reliant that finally cracked a head at 124,000 miles. When washed and waxed, no one believed the age of that vehicle. Likewise, Priapus will remain in my family for many years into the distant future and his interior will remain to look just as it did when I drive him home. Of course, I have to admit that I have no children, no dogs, no agricultural contacting business, nothing that would dirty up a car's interior. So I suppose I'm more of an exception to the rule.
Have a dog but I do lay down a cloth in the back when I am carrying her. I keep a duster (you know that company,,swiffer or such) cause the hair and dust just fly all ove rin there. But the floors are usually dirty, leaves and such from walks. I have never been a messy car person so I am really no different with the prius than with my other vehicles. Going to Paso and Solvang MLK weekend so there will be some wine in that storage area......
Like I just drove it off the lot... seriously... not just the Prius, but most everything/toy I own I take care of extremely well such that it lasts longer, and I feel good about it. I'm a neat freak, I can't think comfortably when I'm in a cluttered/dirty/filthy/etc. environment. For example, I have about 5 minidisc players, from the big clunky ones sold in '96 to current high capacity ones. The one from '96 still looks and functions pretty much as it did the day I bought it. With respect to cars, I have a '95 Mustang in the garage for summer fun. 147k miles on the clock, runs/drives like the day it came off the lot (arguably better after all I did to it), and you could eat off the interior... ok, it's late and I'm babbling... Thing is, I can easily see how one might get the impression earthy-crunchy types are messy... ...all the ones I know of are.... :lol:
I voted for Like I drove it off the lot. If anything, the TECHNICIANS were the one that dirtied my interior! Hmph! My kickpanel next to the footrest is dirty and someone's oily shoe made a mark on the fabric above the footrest, all from servicing. Otherwise, the interior is clean. No scuff marks on the door sills, no paw prints on the seats.
Okay... I'm in the minority... my car is a rolling office, with papers/files/documents etc all over the place in an organized mess (life of a realtor). When I have to take a client out, I dump everthing in the hatch and pull closed the cargo cover. I'm happy to say that I don't have food crap/containers in the car, that's just nasty.
PC business cards EXIST? Just for Danny and you mods? Would you post what's on it? I won't waste a bunch of galaxee's space here, but I had what I thought was a good business card-related idea. Maybe you could post it on its own thread if you want.
galaxee,with all these *cough* precision-minded neatniks *hack* at PC, y'know, *gag* engineers and Mac types, *wheeze* you're dealin' with the creme de la creme of Prius owners. *howl* You're gonna have 90% or more in the top two choices. It's non-PC members who frequent your husband's shop. That's why we have to FIND THOSE PEOPLE and ENROLL 'em. The PC ambience oozes over one, in fact, saturates one through one's pores to one's very core, and endows one with the irresistable urge to look under one's passenger seat for mummified French fries. What I'd like unretouched photos of is the 16-sq.-ft. area adjacent to and surrounding each PC member's computer. Including the impeccably-clothed (and coiffed) poster.
List of the crud in my car: Big ice scraper/squeegee, gas mask (for work--military), couple bank receipts, CD case, maybe one plastic bottle. Spotless in 30 seconds.
I keep the car very clean, interior and exterior. Another reason for doing my own oil changes and routine service is that when I do take the car to the dealer, the dealer does nothing regarding cleaning (interior and exterior). The other observations are correct, too many other Prii that I look into in parking lots are have "trashed" interiors.
Let me preface this by saying I have a 2 1/2 year old with a good fast ball... so, french fries, half-eaten nuggets in hiding, dolls, doodle pads, along with a few bags of trash were in my Grand Am -- I'm usually pretty good the first 15,000 miles, but the three of us carpool and travel often, so it can be hard.
I once read a bumper sticker that said 'a clean car is a sign of a sick mind'. My cars have been complete messes ever since...
I have dogs and I am in the agricultural business. I am immune to manure smell, but I don't want to subject other people to it, so I make an effort to keep the car spotless. I even hose my boots off before I get into the car.
I voted "what color is the interior". There isn't much trash/garbage in the Prius (some candy wrappers in the receptacle under the CD player and maybe a soda can or two). But the interior is MUDDY from a MN winter and it's making me sad because there's a whole lot of winter left. Gray would have been a better interior for me (we have the least I think it was beige).
a pix of the area surrounding the computer! Like I have time to neat'n that up sheesh not enough time to do that!
They grey is no better! It's so light it still shows dirt easily. I've got a couple grease spots from helping out a coworker with a stalled vehcle....only on the passenger side.....GRRR....
Here ya go, Jack, check out this thread in the file library:
Might be fun to mention my little Prius odor adventure recently.... On New Years Eve my wife and I were going to a party at a friend's place. I have a Big Green Egg and had recently purchased a whole salmon that I decided to smoke on the 'Egg' for the party. The smoking went well and the salmon looked great. In the house it smelled smoky, but it's a big room. We got that sucker in the Prius and did that smoke smell concentrate!! Holy Cow, my eyes were watering, my wife and I were coughing and choking! I had to roll down the windows just to make it tolerable to breath. I was sure the smoke smell would last forever. Fortunately it's not even noticable now...seems it was mostly on the foil and the fish. Whew!