My wife has a 2008 Prius with JBL 6 disk CD no Nav and Dice installed back in 2008. My iphone 4s works using Pandora when connected to the connector but my wife's iphone 4s won't work in her Prius using Pandora. Neither does her music on iphone but if she plugs in an ipod it works. Also if she plugs her phone into my son's new Kenwood car stereo Pandora will stream in his car. Any ideas? settings? It worked with her iphone 3gs. Thanks, Frustrated
Just did a bit more with her Prius to see if it helps someone help me with this problem. When I attach my iPhone 4s and select Pandora app the MFD shows Song info at File and Folder. But when I attach her phone it makes the Apple noise of connecting but the MFD shows detached for both file and folder. The BT is working and she is able to make calls on her phone so the phone is connected. Any help would be appreciated. I also contacted Dice this morning but haven't heard from them either. Thanks
First things first...are both 4s phones on the same version of software (5.1.1 is the most current). If different versions on the phones, what is the version of the one that works (yours). What about the version of the app as well? Have you tried a reboot (holding down the home and power buttons until the Apple logo appears) of her phone?
Thanks for the reply BellBoy. Both iphone 4s are running 5.1.1, and I tried a reboot and it did not change anything. I also did a total restore on her phone but that didn't fix the problem either. When you Google Dice and iPhone 4s you see that it is hit or miss as to whether the phone is supported but it should come down to a setting I would think. Any other suggestions? Thanks for the help