Just out of curiosity how long and/or for how many miles? I probably will keep it for 3-4 years or 90k miles. I think I will be plenty bored by then and want a new car
Probably until the Caddilac ELR (formerly called the Cadillac Converj concept) is released for purchase in my area (2014?). GM has announced this vehicle will go into production late 2013 with a MY 2014, if they follow the Chevy Volt rollout plan I probably wont see it around Iowa until Late 2014 or early 2015. This is the car I have been waiting for for a very long time and will be the most awesome looking electric range extended car out there.
Probably 3 years or so and then maybe get a Lexus hybrid with all the money I have saved with my little C. Who knows?
I had my Corolla for 284500 miles. I would love for my c to last that long! Even with a change of batteries, the money saved would be incredible!
Only replacement will be something of similar size, equal gas mileage and smart key (just pull the handle to unlock) under $25k. Basically another Prius C unless something else comes along. I prefer small cars, and single so don't care about anything other than what I want
I always kept my car until 10 years, 250 000 km. Maybe that will be different for my C and my Echo. My Echo 2005 cost 220$ in maintenance after 200 000 km. It's a real tank! When critical pieces will show heavy usage... I will change. Not before that.
Depends on: Whether I stay in BC Whether I stay at the job whose commute was the only reason I got a car. Whether I meet Mr. Right and shack up. If I stay in BC but my job commute becomes very transit-easy, I would start looking around to see what I might be able to get for it. But if I get rid of the Prius C and I'm still single, it'll be because I don't want a car anymore at all. If I continue to need a car and have no reason to upgrade, I will keep it so long that it'll be cool and retro by the time it kicks the bucket.
Just read that Gen IV will be out in 2015. That will be my long-term plan. By then I'll have 75-80k miles on my C. Short term, my wife's back can't abide the seats. She's trying all sorts of cushions but in the end I may have to trade it in.
I'm still waiting for my C to come in, but I usually keep a car until major parts need replacing. I've had 2000 Dodge Neon for over 10 years and now its at deaths door. I got my moneys worth out of her. I had gotten it only 2 yrs old, 18,000 miles for only 5,000. Of course there was no power windows, power locks, so I'm going to be spoiled when my C Three comes in Most of my driving is around town, work and back and across town to see the in-laws. We are a family of three and we got by in the neon, I didn't see a need for a larger vehicle. After the test drive I think the salesman thought it was funny when I told him I had to sit in the back seat and check it out. My 10 year old is as tall as I am so I had to make sure it was comfortable. At this stage of them game, I'm pretty sure I will be handing it down to her and grabbing me a new one.
I'm keeping mine until an affordable plug-in PC and/or a Toyota version of the Chevy Volt architecture comes to market.
Hopefully 10+ years, as long as I can or it lasts. I want it paid off in 2 years, and drive it forever!
Im the same way. After putting on a custom clear bra and getting the best cover and doing more updates and add-ons just want to keep improving it and keep it for 10 years at least as well.