My experience with A123 (Hymotion) out-of-warranty service.

Discussion in 'Prius PHEV Plug-In Modifications' started by Arthur, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Arthur

    Arthur Member

    Oct 10, 2008
    Corning, NY
    2008 Prius
    I finally have a working Hymotion battery pack, again.

    If anyone has a failure, after their warranty expires, I'd be glad to explain how A123's service arrangement is intended to work and tell you who to contact.

    My pack died on November 30, 2011, and was fixed, reinstalled, and working again, by June 10, 2012. Part of the delay was due to my own indecision and procrastination, but it still took a couple months (and three trips from upstate New York, to Fitzgerald Toyota, near Washington, DC), to get my pack working again.

    I guess that's what I get for buying something that I knew I would have make long trips to get serviced.

    My advice to others is to have regular communication with all three parties who will be involved in your service, and to ask all pertinent questions. Do not assume that everything will happen automatically. Keeping asking questions until you understand what is supposed to happen. Then, ask again, to verify that everyone understands each other, ...and keep asking, at every step of the process, to make sure that the people involved are communicating with each other and that they are making decisions that make sense to you.

    Verify TWICE (at least) that they are sure that your Hymotion system is REALLY working, before making a long trip to pick it up (or have it reinstalled).

    Above all, don't be afraid to ask for what you need. These are cooperative and considerate people, but they still might need to be reminded that customers shouldn't be made to pay for service mistakes made by the manufacturer of a product that they have purchased (or by the installer).

    If all of that sounds a little bit vague, that's because A123 has managed to make me into a satisfied (albeit extremely inconvenienced) customer, and I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    However, there are limits to that sentiment, and I will gladly be less vague, if it will help any of you hold their feet to the fire, and get the service that you need, without getting as much of a run-around as I got.
  2. Rocky49

    Rocky49 New Member

    Jul 5, 2012
    2007 Prius
    Plug-in Advanced
  3. Rocky49

    Rocky49 New Member

    Jul 5, 2012
    2007 Prius
    Plug-in Advanced
    Dear Hymotion Owner

    So what did it cost? Sounds like I have the typical problems hymotion owners have. Bumper plugs that lose a ground pin and a battery pack dying just out of warranty. So what did it cost? It took 7 months for you. Just for the dealer stuff, not for the aggravation. My battery pack failed at 41 months by the way.

    I live in Alberta Canada. The nearest dealers are 800 miles west of here. It sounds like drive to Vancouver or Seattle have pack removed, drive home, wait 6 months, drive back get new pack installed, hope it works and drive home.

    I talked to sybesmas electronics today about rebuilding a pack they can't do it for me only for Green Chip dealers

    Does any one have another guy who will or can do the job? It is a battery pack for pete's sake where is the U-tube video of someone taking a hymotion pack apart and soldering some new cells?

    The Toyota dealer in Metro Toronto wants $12 Grand Canadian for a new pack plus $400 for installation. No one says they have refurbed packs on hand. I can't believe there is no factory depot for pulling and replacing packs. What the blazes way Hymotion thinging? No wonder they got out of the business.

    If you don't want to post the gory details to the list please reply directly to me at [email protected]

  4. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    Losing a ground pin makes it sound like coming up with J1772 was a good idea after all.
  5. Arthur

    Arthur Member

    Oct 10, 2008
    Corning, NY
    2008 Prius

    What was your original installation date? How long ago did the ground prong break off? How long ago did your pack "die?" Were there any symptoms (odd behavior or flashing of the red LED, on your dashboard), before the pack died completely?

    Sorry for all the questions, but your answers will tell me if the cause of your problems was similar to mine.

    If your only problem were the ground prong, A123 could ship you a repair kit, with a replacement cable (with the three prongs at the end of it) and installation instructions. You could then install it yourself or get someone else to install it for you, locally.

    For most other problems, I would recommend making the drive to Seattle. They will probably have to ship your battery pack to Sybesmas Electronics, in Holland, Michigan, for diagnosis and repair. That means two round-trip drives to Seattle. I'm suggesting Seattle because it may be simpler (and less expensive) for you to cross the border than it would be for your battery pack to be shipped across the border.
    In general, A123 will give you two options. (1) Have the people in Seattle uninstall your battery pack and ship it to Michigan for repair, or (2) Have your battery pack replaced with a refurbished pack, at a set cost of $1500. The advantage is that replacing with a refurb can be done in one day (by appointment, of course), and you will only need to make one trip to Seattle. The disadvantage is that A123 may be running out of decent-quality refurb battery packs to replace yours with.

    They stopped manufacturing new packs a year or two ago. Besides, they won't give you a new pack for $1500. For that price, all you will get is a refurb pack that has seen approximately the same number of charging cycles that your battery pack has, if they have any.

  6. Rocky49

    Rocky49 New Member

    Jul 5, 2012
    2007 Prius
    Plug-in Advanced


    The installation was done in early January 2009. by Pats Garage and sold to some Berkeley business called Green Motors.

    Green Motors sold it to a North Dakota owner in February 2009.

    The guy in North Dakota sold it to us in November 2011.

    The ground pin broke off in March 2012. I think she got snow in the plug and it froze when she pulled it out. Or it could have been an overheated connection which allowed the ground pin to pull itself free.

    I finally got net plug in outlets offf Amazon in early June but could not figure out what kind of screw head was on the fasteners used to hold the plug receptable to the bumper cover. E-mails to Hymotion went unanswered and were returned about 10 days later by my internet provider. My wife who is the principal driver of the car complained her mileage was starting to suck (she went from 77 mpg down to 52 mpg) but she was not sure it was hymotion battery or the use of Air Condtioning but it did not seem to be going into electric mode.

    We do not have a force it into electric mode button.

    Then she noticed the red light was flashing. We counted up the beats after realizing there was some kind of pattern. (The hymotion documentation we received iwth this vehicle sucks) Why no parts list? Why no beep code translator? We are getting 11 flashes and we can't get the fasterners out of the bumper cover to change the plug in.

  7. Arthur

    Arthur Member

    Oct 10, 2008
    Corning, NY
    2008 Prius
    If I were you, I would try calling The Green Car Company, in Seattle: (425) 336-7683.

    The pins are actually part of a three-pronged plug, that is on the end of a power cord that runs to the battery. You need to take the bumper off to replace that cord, from the inside. The plug just connects into the back side of the plastic outlet that is mounted onto your bumper.

    Let me know if you don't get the help that you need from The Green Car Company.

  8. patsgarage

    patsgarage Junior Member

    Nov 16, 2007
    2008 Prius
    To all,
    We were Hymotion's first dealer before A123 even got involved. We are still around and still supporting the product. If you have questions about your pack or just want to chat feel free to email me. I will follow up in another week or so with a post on our website about how our support will work for packs that are out of warranty. It's still a great product and we'll do our best to keep things running.

    Pat Cadam
    [email protected]
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