"Conan! What is best in life?!?" ... "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."
Christopher Guest: Smart, funny, married to Jamie Lee Curtis, and now a member of the House of Lords. Lucky sod.
Christopher Guest is merely a personality that Nigel Tufnel likes to step into from time to time. hmmm... pie.
Terminator 2 For whatever reason, I remember wearing a tux to the premiere... h34r: (awesome poll by the way!)
I think it sits in the Rae Dawn Chong section. (Either that, or the Dan Hedaya section (one of my very favorite character actors -- Clueless, Buckaroo Banzai). (And shouldn't that be "Arnold Cannon"? )
To pick a favorite from an actor's movies implies that you do not detest the actor. Pardon me for using the word "actor." Arnold is not an actor. He's a muscle man who's been trained to speak lines. His movies are the most disgusting sort of pornography.
Well, a lot more goes into a movie than the lead actor; to my mind, the director and writer have a lot more impact on the film than anything. I'm not saying Arnold is a great actor, or even a good one; but I'd argue that Terminator 2 is one of the best science fiction films I've ever seen. Most of this is due to James Cameron, I'd bet.
The mark of a great writer/director is to make the most of any actor, no matter the quality. Terminator 2 is an example of that. Arnold was BORN to play that part, and Cameron leveraged the strong performances of all of the other actors in the film, plus good old quality story-telling to make something extremely great.
where's pumping iron? Arnie's first movie. it was during his bodybuilding days so he was JACKED. plus some of the funniest things the future governor of california has said on camera. Mike
I still have several thousand films that I would like to see before I die and they certainly don't include a single film that might include Arnold, even if he gets 500 Oscars and his movies are getting trillion dollars in return. These merits will not persuade me to see his films. To me film is more of an art form than entertainment but even if I settle for entertainment I prefer sloppy cartoons over action type flicks that Arnold is involved in. I abide to my viewing of films by following certain critics whose tastes are very similar to mine and they seem to always give Arnold films 0 stars. No offense to screenwriter, costume designers and other people who are involved in his films and who may actually deliver.
I would have voted for Pumping Iron had that been an option. But then it is, after all, a documentary and completely unlike anything that followed.
I voted 'Other' because Terminator 3 wasn't on the list. I did love T2, but he actually had a sense of humor and was self-deprecating in T3.