Sorry if this has been asked before, but I was told we were supposed to get a Welcome Kit/Package, or some such, from Toyota soon after we got our v. It's 10 weeks now and still no package. Should I call Toyota, or should I wait a little longer? BTW, what's in the kit?
I would go back to the person that told you about the Welcome Kit/Package. (who was it?) I know that there was a swag bag for people that bought prii through the Prius Chat preferred dealer program. Is that what you are talking about? I am not aware of any special Welcome Kit/Package for Prius v (wagon) buyers.
I bought mine a week ago and no one made any mention of a "Welcome Kit" for the purchase so it might just be something your dealership was running. Like the post above said, I'd go back to whomever told you that.
Oops, I should have been more specific. The salesperson said Toyota would be sending us info about the free maintenance program and there would be a card included to take to the dealership. What else that was supposed to be in the "package/kit" I have no idea. We did get "free" all-weather mats and a trunk liner as part of the purchase.
I got that for my hatchback. There was info about the maintenance program and your card for that. Plus there was a card for a free 1000 miles "pit stop" at the dealer. When I took it in, they checked the oil and tires and gave me a Starbucks card. I believe it comes from Toyota corporate, not from the dealer. You could call Toyota Care, I supposed.
I called Toyota the other day. They were sorry and would "look into it" as to why I did not get the maintenance card, etc. They said they would mail me a kit in 2-3 weeks. BTW, I also filed a formal complaint about no DRLs on the Prius v. They told me several other owners had called in with the same concern. I asked why they were not included while the regular Prius and all the Canadian v's had them. They said that info was "proprietary", which I took to mean they did not want to give us any more for our money.
I got the "Welcome Kit" yesterday, which is really a small brochure with the maintenance card and 2 key tags glued inside and an explanation about roadside assistance, etc. Much ado about nothing.
No, DRLs are not listed on the window sticker, or mentioned in the v brochure. I, as well as many other v owners, assumed they would be included, but you know what happens when you assume something. The Toyota rep called it a "formal complaint" and gave me a case number, as if anyone at Toyota really cares and will do anything about it. I told him I would be willing to pay for a retrofit, but he did not seem to think that was going to happen on the '12s. My impression was that he was only a talking head reading from a script. However, he spoke American English and that in itself made my day.