This is an excellent document. It can be used to counter all sorts of FUD, it explains why we need a 12 volt battery in addition to the 201 volt battery, (very nice relay schematics) and it explains how to remove the HV battery, so can be used as a HV Battery replacement guide. Thanks!
It is interesting that the document does not identify/locate the brake system Power Source Backup Unit, a 12v capacitor array: It is located under the hatch area floor, next to the "regular" 12v battery. Although, "The electrical charge stored in the capacitor cells becomes discharged when the HV system tops operating after the power system is turned off," the unit could still be hot when responders first arrive. From:
I did not see an mention of the DC/DC converter that charges the 12v battery. Does anyone know where that is? Thanks, Dan
For sure. But one of the big concerns for first responders in any auto accident is circuitry which might result in sparking that could ignite fuel fumes. I don't know that it matters, but the Power Source Backup Unit is not that far from the fuel tank... which probably has a bladder... which might be difficult to puncture... etc, etc. OK, enough already. My point is the document doesn't even acknowledge the PSBU is there. It does address the 12v "regular" battery.
This is only a manual for removal of the HV battery for disposal. It is not purpose for emergency work nor as a repair guide. is Gen II Emergency Responders Guide, for Gen III
Here's a link directly to that PDF also Here's a link for Free step by step instructions to remove your Prius Hybrid Battery Sincerely Mark