I just took delivery on my 2006 Prius that I ordered with the NW8 package. My car does not have the Auto Headlamp feature that turns on the headlamps at dark. The headlamps do turn off when I get out of the car. When I checked with my dealer this did not appear to be an option for order. Has anyone else received a 2006 Prius with the NW8 package that has this feature? Is this something that can be added at the dealer? Paul
This is going to be hard adjustment as I don't think it's a feature in the Prius. I don't understand how a car can not know that it's getting dark OR that it's raining....and I'm going to have to put these things on myself. Believe it or not, lack of these features is going to be something I need to accept. Please tell me it ain't so.....my new car is going to be just plain STUPID!
That feature is not available in the US. If you leave the headlights on, they will always be on at dark.
available in Canada and not in the US. All it does is leaves the headlights on and toggles the screen brightness from day to night. Not as big a deal as you might guess. There is a photocell in the dash down by the temp sensor for the AC that switches the mfd from day setting to night setting. Doubt that it would be economical to have installed on a new car.
Yeah but think about it, ours auto adjust the screen and speedo according to lighting. They have to constantly adjust it with the rheostat depending on day or night (or use Day Mode)
I don't think you really want it anyways. My 02 Maxima has an auto position but has HID lights like your Prius. According to Nissan manuals, cycling HID lights is bad for them. Because of that, I NEVER use the auto position for fear of the car cycling the lights if I go through a long overpass or in overcast/somewhat dark conditions.
Thanks for the response. I don't think it is a major issue not having it, I was just trying to figure what I missed in the ordering process since the manual seemed to refer to this feature as a standard option.
Yes, this is not really a big deal. We have this on our Volvo, but we usually just turn them on manually anyway. I will not miss this on my Prius. The two things our Volvo has that I will miss not having on the Prius are power folding side mirrors and automatic wipers. Coming from Japan, where parking is often tight, I would have expected folding mirrors (power that is). And the wipers on out Volvo automatically adjust speed based on rain intensity. Oh well. I guess I'll just be happy with 50 mpg.
Indeed. I wanted power folding mirrors. It's a hassle to unfold the passenger side if you have no passenger to help you out when parking in a tight spot.
I purchased my Prius in the U.S. and I think I have this feature on my 2005 Prius package 4. There's a photocell on the drivers side of the dash that adjusts my screen brightness between night and day.