I would definately recommend that people here read some Alan Watts starting off with "The Wisdom of Insecurity" Don't just go to his website, but read the books, they are all on Amazon.
I wont say hate , but i dislike people that have to include all the other replys in their reply because they dont know how to highlite and delete.
Tell me, what makes headlines on the daily news? Schmika getting his new Prius and living happily ever after, or Schmika going nuts and taking out his family with an axe because of a torrid love affair with a hot 2nd grade school teacher who did time for raping a 13 year old boy?
heres an old standard I hate it that some people think it is necessary to have an SUV for driving around the suburbs... *puts evil voodoo curse on all soccer moms with land Rovers*
I never did that, and if I did, I'll deny it..and if you have photos, that was my twin brother..... :lol: :lol: :lol: (ooooo, you are so gonna PAY for that!)
What I hate is people who try and crawl up your nice person on the freeway in spite of the fact that there's another vehicle two or three car lengths ahead.
This thread reminds me of a Tom Lehrer bit where he's doing the lead in to a song called "national brotherhood week". He says something to the effect that... "I know there are people out there who don't love one another and I hate people like that".... A smiley face just seems so appropriate in this context. Anyone unfamiliar with Tom Lehrer should check him out. What amazes me is that he was writing satirical songs back in the 60's that (unfortunately) are still relevant today!
I actually have not been reading this thread but after my last visit to the "Who sells the most cars?" thread was moved to post here. I Love/Hate Malorn's rantings. I only read his threads when I'm bored and need something to get the juices flowing!