Verizon phone for 2006 Prius?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by pgalland, Jan 1, 2006.

  1. pgalland

    pgalland Junior Member

    Dec 2, 2005
    I am taking delivery of a new 2006 Prius tomorrow with navigation system and Bluetooth. I use Verizon and really don't have any other carrier choice. I've read the posting about the new Nokia 6256i. Any other suggestions? ( I was hoping Verizon would get on board with the 2006 model but guess that was wishful thinnking.)
  2. prius_pride

    prius_pride New Member

    Dec 4, 2005
    Many here have recommended the Motorola e815. Works great for me. Have to throw out the usual caveat that if you use Verizon, you have to find an alternate way to upload the phonebook. Bluetooth PC or PDA procedures are available here, or since you have an '06, you can manually enter it.
  3. tag

    tag Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    I'll second the E815 recommendation. I bought an E815 for my son for Christmas (replacement for a VX6000 that was showing its age and use). I paired it with my 04 for laughs and it works every bit as well as my V710. As prius_pride mentioned, no PB transfer capability but that's the only downside to the phone as far as I can determine.

    Also, as you may already be aware, you can buy any phone from VZW and use it for 15 days without obligation. I'd recommend trying the E815 first and, if you don't care for it, return it and try the V3c.
  4. DocVijay

    DocVijay Active Member

    Sep 15, 2005
    Tampa, FL
    While many have coplained about problems pairing and so on, I have a Treo 650 and it worls perfectly so far. It connects automatically when I get in and start the car. Yes, you can't upload your phone book, but on the '06 you can do it manually. It didn't take too long to do it, and was able to organize all my contacts very easily using the MFD. Sending and receiving calls works just fine, and I can even get call waiting without dropping calls. I'm very happy. They may have reworked some of the software for 2006 to make it work better with more phones. Anyhow, mine works perfectly with none of the problems others speak of.
  5. wstander

    wstander New Member

    Jul 16, 2005
    Add me to the bandwagon.

    As Verizon is the ONLY carrier that works where I need it, I opted for the Motorola e815.

    e815 paired first time and every other time with my 05. I used the tricks with the laptop and OutlookExpres to load my numbers.

    I just leave mine plugged into the center console power jack and use the handsfree and MFD one-touch dialing.

    In fact, I had to read the book recently to use the phone without the car :rolleyes: