so what head unit (on the market) would be better? I think that the premium entune HU is better. The pioneer app radio comes close, but has a lot of issues.
There is an entune app for the Ipad. I use it with my Prius v (wagon) w Adv. Tech. Package with great success. I have only had it balk at connecting via bluetooth once in approximately 30 attempts/uses. The single problem went away after a full power down of both Ipad and vehicle. I like to use Bing search to find and transfer POIs and addresses to the nav system. That is the only Entune App I have used more than once.
what is the phone download about which everyone's talking? I have my phone connected via blue tooth and don't have any such app on my's not a smart phone. But, except for texting, I have every capability on my entune. What could I be missing without the phone app??
There is an Entune APP that smartphones use to "interface" with the Entune system on the car. The smartphone provides the data plan and 3G/4G connection to download the music/stock/weather/movie_ticket/Bing/etc that is displayed on the head unit. jerij
Yep..I understand that to be the claim. However, what I'm stating is that I get all of those functions on my head unit WITHOUT the app installed on my phone. Surely, there's something I must be missing? I can't imagine what it could be though, I seem to get everything there is to offer.
I can pick up NavWeather, NavTraffic, NavStocks, Sports with only my Bluetooth. To use OpenTable, MovieTicket, Bing, Pandora, and iHeart, I have to have the APP downloaded on my phone. Are you able to get the latter with just your Bluetooth? That's cool. jerij
I've not yet received the update, so don't have some of those features. I use traffic regularly, occasionally use Weather, and, I'm pretty certain have used Bing...just to try it and seem to recall its having worked and being able to route to the location with my gps. If my memory is correct, it, too, works without the phone app. So far, I've not seen much regarding the update that I find appealing so may delay install, even after it arrives, until Nov when my need for and use of the car declines..just so I'm okay in case it fails, properly, to install and screws up my Nav. I'd love to learn there have been improvements to the firmware in addition to just adding a few new features I'll never use.
I did the update..and now..I'm SCREWED!!! I reported last week that I was able to access traffic, weather, Bing, and I assume other entune features on my NON smart phone- an LG Encore. I just did the update, and my access is gone! I now get a message stating the app is not installed on the phone and it's not possible to connect. Speaking to Toyota, there's no way to go back! I'm SCREWED! They state they don't know how I was able to get these features before I did the update, but it's NOT POSSIBLE without a smart phone. So...a warning to anyone else: if you have a feature phone, NOT a smart phone, on which you are able to connect without the app installed, DO NOT DO THE UPDATE TOYOTA PROVIDED YOU! You'll lose those capabilities!! Which sparks the question: If I was able to access those features before, without the App installed on the phone, what it its purpose? I believe I now understand: it's the gateway between the phone and Toyota! The app provides no features to us, the owners, what-so-ever. What it does do is provide Toyota the control to turn us off when our subscriptions expire. So being, I now suspect, the fact that I was able to access those features before, meant I had them for the duration of my no charge. I suspect Toyota had no way to regulate my access since I was going to those sites without going through their "controlled" gateway first. Meaning, not only did I have Entune in my car, I had it forever..without charge!! Now....since, foolishly, I did the update, I have nothing at all! So...a warning to everyone else: if you are able to access Encore features without having installed the Entune App on your phone...DO NOT DO THE UPDATE TOYOTA PROVIDED! You'll lose that ability. If you have a non-smart phone, you'll never get it back! Now....this got me wondering: there are some people unable to pair their fancy phones, I-phones in particular, it seems, to their car. I'm wondering if the problems they're encountering might be due to the app installed on the phone? I'd suggest trying to pair it with the phone app deleted! If successful, you may find, not only that you are able to connect via bluetooth and not the cable, but you may have a life time subscription to Entune as a bonus! I only wish someone had warned me of this BEFORE I did the update myself and screwed up my car's features!! Let me know what you discover.
I think you are wrong. On my "fancy" phone, HTC Evo 4g LTE, and my previous phone, HTC Evo 3D, Entune apps never worked without installing the app. was just a thought. Nobody seems to know why my phone used to work without having the phone app installed...but it did. I just felt it might be worth a try..for those having trouble connecting WITH the app.
When I tried to connect without entunes installed from my iPhone, both bluetooth and USB, it staunchly refused, so I'll have to agree with darkleafar.
I got it working!! Someone suggested going to phone and re-entering all of my credentials: user name, password, carrier, etc. It took some button pressing before I came across the right place..but when I did..voila.....All is well! A Toyota tech followed up for help about an hour after I got things back to normal to inform me that Toyota had added security features to the update and, I'd NOW have to have a smart phone with the app installed in order to access Entune. Haha..WRONG!! Little did he know, I already had it working...without an app or smart phone! I'm not ever going to update my Entunes again regardless of how many thumb drives they send me! I think I dodges a bullet this time!!
Just got my v a few days ago and it has old version. Will I still get update usb, even though they were already sent out? Why don't they jut make it avail as an online download?
Im in the same boat. The update will be available through the website, if you check it is says "Entunes update coming soon". It'll be available right on they just havent posted it yet.
Thanks for the info waffle. Seems like they should just put it there from the start for us impatient types. I have been bothering my dealer about it.
You and me both!!! I was actually hoping someone on here could check and see if its something that can be pulled off the USB and posted so I can just grab it make my own or if it completely reformats the stick.
It's a ~4MB image file, just one file, and it can be copied to any blank USB stick. I know someone uploaded the one for the C, but the one for the V is probably different. Also, some V users had problems with the file that Toyota sent hanging up during the update and have just received replacements. Check the other Entune threads.
I had entune working to a point like Parnami for the first couple of months on my car also. It seemed to go away after 3 months. I have since installed entunes on my htc phone and updated to the latest version. Everything works but Pandora. I get a Pandora error using entune but on my phone, Pandora works fine. My biggest problem right now is the NAV system can't find a GPS signal. Car has been in the shop for 3 days now and they are playing the swapping parts game. This is the first car my dealer has seen with this problem.
Got my car back from the dealer this week and the nav system is back up and running. They had to install a new gps antenna. Now I can't get the entune apps to work anymore. Keep getting <apps update unsuccessful, try again> bluetooth working fine, phone funtions working and entune on phone says connected. I saw a thread where it said to unpair, remove phone from devices and start from scratch. Tried that 3 times and keep getting the same thing. Gave up for now. Any other ideas would be aprrecitated. Thx, Ben