I enter a new fuel price at each fillup, and it tells me the cost of every trip when I shut down. But on the screen that shows monthly mileage and mpg, the fuel cost always says $0. Is there something else I need to do to show the fuel cost on THAT screen? Thanks.
I do not have an answer to your question as mine is working as stated in the manual. The manual says after each fill up, the computer will automatically open the screen for fuel price entry. This does not happen for me.
It happens really fast. If you glance away you will miss it. You can update the price in the settings menu on the MFD and then it will show up.
Yes, I can enter the fuel price on the screen that comes on right after fill-up. I'm talking about the screen that can be pulled up showing the monthly totals. I need to know how to set the fuel cost on that screen because it always says $0.
Probably. When I shut off my 12, the screen shows Clock, Miles Driven, Time spent in Trip, MPG, Fuel Cost, and Odo. On my friend's 10, it just shows the Clock, and Odo. To the OP, on the monthly screen, all I see is the total miles driven. There is no fuel cost display. There is a 0 on the bottom but that is for 0 MPG for the Y-axis on the right.
It says cost, but it is actually a comparison. It shows the savings relative to a reference vehicle. In order to get it to work you have to set the fuel economy for the reference vehicle as well as the price of fuel. So first pick a reference car. You can use your wife's car, the car you traded in to get the Prius, or that Corvette you would have liked to get (19.7). Then in the display settings, scroll down to "comp. consumption" (as I recall) and set it.
It sounds like a dealer issue. I keep meaning to ask about that software, mine works but it stops recording for the month once it hits $200. There is a cool free iPhone app that can track all of this info If you have one, I think it's call mileagekeeper. It'll even export data to excel.
I used to have this working and Jason is correct. Once you set the reference vehicle it will work, but I cleared mine out because I liked seeing my cost of the trip instead of the price difference of my trip. Meaning if you have a reference vehicle it just tells you the money you saved that trip compared to the reference vehicle instead of the actual total cost of the trip. So your monthly report only shows gas used for the month rather than savings.
I have set my fuel cost however when I get my information screen after shutting off the car the savings always says $0.00. Help!
You have the cost of gas set at 0.00 instead of the savings.. You need to set the gas price to your price per gallon and the savings to 0.00
I do have my price of gas set at what it cost me, but my savings always says $0.00 no matter how far I drive!
The Prius is just factoring in the big picture, and it happens to know you're not too good at budgeting money. Seriously, my guess...and it's only a guess is that you haven't entered a "comparison" vehicle. You can't get a "savings" unless you are comparing it against something else. There's a difference between the "savings" reading the Prius gives you, which is based on a comparison, and the "cost" reading, which is based on your entered gas price per gallon, and the distance you drove.