Yes I suffer from DDD basically all of my discs are degrading. I chose 2012 III with the power seat and can say it compares with the maxima and best seat ever my 90 Buick lazy boy on wheels. 500 mile trip no more pain than usuall.I am very happy. Jen
Before you go to CarMax or trade, consider putting it on Craig's List! I just sold my 2010 Prius III w/Nav yesterday. I got asking price ($23,500), and it was only listed for 2 days! Mine had just under 24K miles. Don't sell yourself short, your Prius is worth way more than $16K to $17K!
It also shows you the next turn when you're doing navigation. (P.S. The solar roof is really nice... )
A 2004 Jeep, but only until I start my new job, then I get a company car! All gas and maintenance included, so it can be a Yugo for all I care!
You might want to really look at a HyCam. My wife just got hers 3 weeks ago, and man it is really a nice car! Nice step up from the Prius, but still a Hybrid. Has plenty of kick when you need it. Very roomy inside. The wifes first tank was about 41 mpg, not bad! Good luck on your new ride what ever it may be!
I have a screwed up lower back and can say that the 8 way power seat in the 2012 Prius Four is absolutely perfect for my back. Mike