I found ants in my 2008 Prius. My car is CLEAN ...... no food or drink left inside, not even crumbs. Yesterday I took our teacup Chihuahua to the nursing home for pet therapy and there was a busy row of ants going back and forth inside at the bottom of the windshield and some wandering around on the dash. I am concerned about them damaging the electronics. What can I do? I have put Sevin dust on the ground under the car (I know ... not environmentally correct ... but I had to do something)!
I could be you sucked in many bugs, now dead, that the ants are harvesting for you. I would just view it as Extra protein for the dog! This might be a first. We have many posts about mice and Prius.
Go to Walmart and pick up some Terro liquid ant bait - this is just borax + sugar so not poison - and put some where you think they will get it - in and outside of car. Probably you want to put it on something flat that protects the carpet. They have different kinds of traps, I like the cheaper one where you just pour out a little liquid on the little piece of cardboard. Anyways this is sugar water the ants will swarm to it and the borax will do its work. If you have a spill well it will just serve as car wash and clean your carpet.
sometimes when i park under a low hanging tree and leave my windows open, an ant or two will sneak into the car. then as i'm driving along, one will crawl up my leg and freak me out.
You can buy boric acid at the supermarket in the pharmacy section (it's used as an eye wash). Mix it with powdered sugar for a dry version of Terro. Just put it where the ants will find it. This is what I use in my house and it works great.