Hi guys! Found your fourm and I love those! My wife and I just got a Prius c3 in Red. I love technology and gadgets! This car seamed to fit the bill and We love it. No offense to anyone here but I don't believe in global warming I just can afford to drive the car I want anymore. Ie Dodge Challenger R/T . Was looking at Fit since I work at Honda but a loaded fit sport is $20500 our c3 was $21k and hopefully will get 20mpg or better. So just say'n hi all from the noob. Added edit. I must say that this car is blast to drive. Always reminding you to save gas..... It's like driving a video game! It's great. Now if could only figure out what to do with these terrible OE brIdgestone Turanza tires. I asked the dealer why Toyota would install a non LRR tire on a hybrid. They have not gotten back to me. So well see.
If you go to fuelly.com and look at the average MPG figures for the cars you mention, you will be relieved to find that you should have no trouble beating the Challenger (6cyl - 22 MPG, 8 cyl - 18 MPG, Fit, 33 mpg.) The Prius c owners are averaging 52. So, welcome aboard. By the way, the vast majority of members of the Prius forums have bought into the fiction that CO2 is dangerous and must be reduced to 'save the planet.' You have been warned. Shhhhhhhh.....It is a religion for them and no amount of discourse will change minds. Don't waste your breath. Use the forums for the information you need and forget the environmental stuff.
Congrats! We love our Fit and my wife refuses to allow me to buy her another car. I like my C2 - fun to drive and a lot better MPG than my old Prizm.
eldersii - welcome to the forum and enjoy your new car. You will probably have to put up with a lot of crap about global warming - but just dont let it get to you. I am a die hard snowboarder and all my snowboard friends have huge SUV's and trucks so that they can get around in the snow and mountains... I have never owned a 4wd vehicle and have never had any trouble in mountains or snow. They give me the "saving the world" line and my response is that I can get to the mountains and back for $120 round trip in gas, they spend $600 or more in gas to do the same trip.
No offense taken! I think this was Toyota's master plan....deceive unbelievers and have them buy a "green" car because it makes economical sense and if it helps the environment too....well....BOOM...gotcha! You are now an official tree hugger, whether you like it or not! I too was like you. That was then, this is now. My c has about 5,000 miles on it and I have this sudden urge to ask for paper instead of plastic at the grocery store! My car wants to go to Whole Foods now instead of Smiths! I want to put a bumper sticker on my c that says my other car is a Ford F-450 Super Duty truck!!! If they didn't before, people will now start looking at you funny as you drive down the road! You are a Prius owner! OH MY GOSH!!!! People avoid you at the gas station! I am just glad that there are others here now like me! There are other threads here about the tires too! There are several options along with cool wheels, if you are so inclined and have the resources! Welcome aboard!
Welcome to the gathering! I've been enjoying my C for all of 5,070 miles (as of my trip at lunch). Plenty of room for daily duties, great mileage, easy to handle and zippy, and easy enough on the eyes. It's a great tool for many jobs. It doesn't fit 10' 2x6's very well, but I still have the truck for that. It doesn't smoke the tires or do donuts, but I still have the Z28 for that. But yard chemicals and chainsaws will fit handily in the back. And it'll carry the firearms to the range and back without a hiccup. Enjoy your new car! (tree hugging is optional)
This is the second time someone mentioned the tires so I went out and looked at mine. I have Goodyear tires not Bridgestone. I guess that is a good thing?
Goodyear Assurance? Those are great tires, I have been very happy with them in the past on my 2010Prius and was thrilled to see that is what was installed on my PriusC when I got it.
Yep that is what they were! Wonder why ours are different? (Sorry Elders not trying to hijack your thread!)
Don't get me wrong. Im a free market guy, less taxes the lot. But I can not stand to be wasteful. I jus sold my 2005 SRT 4 ACR with 23k original miles to get this little guy. Payment only changed by $75 a month so the savings on gas makes it better 23 vs. a hopefull 50ish mpg. and I now have hatch back. It has plenty of power and I like not spending 1/3 of my paycheck on gas. It's much more fun. I've had fast cars butnyouncan only drive the fast on closed corses anyways so might as well get the most out of my gas money.
Thanks. And To each there own. Thats is why we live in America, where if your dont stand for something you stand for nothing. Im not a right wing "ElRushBough" crazy person so don't worry. I think the whole green thing on the whole is good thing! Should we go as far a Spain in Forcing people to Like it no but I wish I could afford solar panels on my roof, wind farms are stupid, not to mention they kills 1000's of birds every years! I want a water cistern to capture rain water, a " living roof" to grow extra food and keep my home cooler. I like water less toilets minus the smell, LED and CFL's cut my electric bill by $25 a month! heck one of my favorite tv shows is Whale Wars! I feel it is murder to kills those beautiful mammals but hunting a deer to control the population is ok. Then I watch them build a 700hp big block on Spike, and NASCAR on TNT which now uses Ethanol in their race fuel and makes more HP power. And I love our Little Prius C. it's just a great little car. And it makes my wife happy to boot.