Alright -- this goes out to all of you parents of toddlers. I'm getting my '06 tommorow and I'm *deatlhy* afraid of installing the car seat in it (even though I must). My 2 1/2 year-old is prone to spilling, dropping and, in rare occasions, throwing food and drink. Outside of Scotchguard, is there anything you folks do to help protect your interior?
There are some special little 'blankets' that are designed to cover the seat under the car seat. Might be able to find that at Wal-mart or something. We get a catalog of stuff all the time. Scotch guard is a good idea. Rest assured, you're going to have car seats in there a long time and they adequately cover any stains!!
How about some WATERPROOF seat covers:
Do the seatcovers interfere with the side impact airbags? I would think they would... or at least I would be worried that they would decrease the effectiveness of the air bag system. If I understand the side impact airbags... they are stored in the sides of the front seats. /Jim
Ah, found what I was talking about... The company is called One Step Ahead Here's the seat cover I was thinking of: Note the link for the seat back protector on the same page: As soon as the legs are long enough they start putting those "God-only-knows-where-they've-been" Tennis shoes on the back of the seat. We used a different solution for that in our car however...some things that have a bunch of pockets for toys and stuff: So that serves a dual purpose. This site shows several options for protecting your seat and also making the car seat more secure:
Leather is the answer. I found out about this yesterday afternoon. We were dropping the kids off at my parents house before going to the Bucs game, and my daughter had an upset stomach. Well she decided to puke all over. If we had cloth seats, it wouldhave been a complete disaster, but since we had leather, it wiped right off with out any residual stains or odors. If you have young kids, you need leather.
Get some seat covers from GT Covers, and lay an old blanket under the carseat. Spread the load of the carseat frame by using a rubber floormat under it, or you may "dent" the seat permanently. Floormats are a good idea, too. Scotchguard is a gamble... the fabric repels as it is, and some of those products like Scotchguard are a dirt magnet, even if they repel moisture. Have a water bottle handy and some white terry towels.
Both the GT seat covers and the Wet Okole are designed with the side airbag in mind, but when you order, say you have side airbags. Now, if you're the sort of person that sticks a T-Shirt over the seat, that's another matter.
That's precisely the reason package 8 won me over instead of package 7...we plan on having a little one or two in the next few years, so leather for me it will be!!