Has anyone tried moving the USB/AUX ports to somewhere else hidden, like inside the glovebox? I've got an iPod which I always leave in my car connected but for obvious reasons it would be a bad idea to have it sit out in the open on the storage shelf when the car is parked. I mean, I could keep the iPod in the glovebox when I leave the car, but having to take it out and plug it in at the start of every journey and hide it again at the end would be a huge pain. I found a black iPod cable which I'm keeping connected which goes into the glovebox itself -- if the cable is in the right place and you use a little bit of force the glovebox will remain closed with the cable still coming out of it. The black cable somewhat blends into the car's interior so it's not that obvious there's a cable and iPod in the glovebox to anyone looking in the window (at least, compared to a bright white iPod cable), but anyone taking more than a passing glance at it will note there is a cable there and it doesn't take a genius to guess what it's connected to. Ideally what I'd like is for there to be a USB port (even if it's just the end of a cable) sitting inside the glovebox so that I can keep the iPod always connected but hidden from view. Anyone got any thoughts as to how it might be done?
If you remove the dash piece that has the USB connector it will just pop out. You can get an OEM plug from toyota to fill the hole in your dash, then you can route the connector cable into the glovebox. I did this in my XB for the same reason and it worked fine.
my buddy moved his next to the ev and eco buttons in the center area.. more convenient for him to connect his stuff from there instead. moving it to a hidden location? even more easier.
Just a quick question , how long are the wires ? Long enough to bring them beside the EV and eco mode switches ? Thanks.
he had to extend the wires was what he told me... it shouldn't be too difficult.. he's no electrical guru like myself.. and he was able to do it.