Hey so I got my car yesterday and when I ran my hand across the dashboard it left like a white streak and I tried to smudge it out but it just spread and now my dashboard is kinda disolored.. Anyone have similar issues? Should I armorall it? I know this isomorphic but it's really annoying. Help!
Have a 1,000 mile old 2010 Prius, and haven't encountered anything like that. I wouldn't armorall it or use other chemicals until you're sure it's not a flaw which Toyota would need to fix.
I've found that the textured dash surface will cause oils, etc. from your skin to leave a whitish residue, and further rubbing with your fingers only makes it worse. Best way I've found to remove it is with a dampened terry cloth towel. And do not use Armorall--it's a terrible product.
Yes, its your dead skin cells rubbing off onto the plastic. Water should do it, even a dry towel. Armorall = bad.
The dash material picks up anything that is on your skin but it goes away. Don't panic and do more harm than good by using Armor All. I wouldn't use it on someone elses car, much less my own. A damp towel will clean off most smudges that occur.
I give it a spritz of Windex when I do the windows. Cleans it right off. Not only skin oil stains but try to wipe a spot with a napkin. Geesh.
I actually asked the dealership shop guys on what kind of product to use to clean the plastic. Water and terry cloth was the answer. I have been doing that and works just fine.
Sounds like your hands are very dry and the skin got on the surface. This has happened to me. I did take a damp terry cloth towel and give it the once over. Problem solved.
I use 303 on lots of things, but not on the dash. A damp cloth is more than enough to return it to original condition. I don't want any gloss at all on the dash.
I got the same white discoloration after removing my GPS and wiping down the dash with alcohol (recommended by GPS manufacturer) the more I have tried to clean it (with soap and water, the worst it has gotten. I was considering using "Back to Black" I used it on the exterior black panels of my Element. Any ideas of whether this would be too harsh of a product? It will turn the dash black, but don't know what the end product will look like and or if it will do more harm than good.
(not to be done in direct sunlight or of dash is hot from direct sunlight) clean with water and let dry aerospace 303 let it soak in for a few minutes, dry off keep a couple clean microfibre towels in glove box reach up and wipe it down now and again you'll be fine relax - have fun - enjoy your car
Hey Jen - not sure what a bms number is but you can pick 303 up at most marine/boat/jet ski supply places. A few auto parts places might carry it. You can also buy directly from Aerospace 303 website or Amazon or ???. Get plenty as you'l probly run out before you find all the uses for it. It's a nice reliable product. I use it on the tires of my cars, all vinyl, plastic-esque materials, rubber stuff, hot tub cover, etc.
ArmorAll is NOT bad! The above members are probably referring to "old formula" ArmorAll which had a high sheen and left a greasy feel to plastics. The Natural Finish Detailer by ArmorAll is an excellent product and has worked perfectly on my Prius dash for 2 years now. NOTE: you must use a micro-fiber cloth with it so as to not leave any lint on the dash. Also, I wouldn't recommend spraying any into the cluster area as it's hard to get in there. Just wipe that area with your micro-fiber cloth. As long as I'm suggesting products, I've also found the ArmorAll Auto Glass cleaner (also shown in picture) does a great job to clean the windshield outside and inside of dirt and streak residue. Use as directed with plenty of clean paper towels.
Is the Original ArmorAll bad for plastic & rubber pieces? I ask because I just checked and I have close to a gallon of it. I also have 303 Spray as I use it on my drytop gaskets and on my WW kayak deck so the skirt seals well. Mike
I can't really answer about the original formula ArmorAll as I've only purchased the natural finish detailer formula. BTW, I also have 303 which is a great product for the door seals and Jacuzzi spa vinyl covers. It leaves a high sheen too so it's not for Prius dashboards.