So I was able to access the hidden diagnosis menu on the 2012 Prius hoping to get in and be able to change the L/100km to MPG but alas, it seems that this option was removed....of course unless they hid it somewhere else. Could however check the speed and parking brake, sound check and the camera check/mod... Ah well L/100km it is
I can change from KPH to MPH...I trust they let you do this easily so that when we drive down in the US, we can respect the speed limits without any confusion or math required. Unfortunately when I change to MPH, it keeps in L/100km but I will try again in case I had a mental fart. In order to access the diagnosis menu, I put the car in ACC mode. I pressed the setup button on the radio and flicked the lights from auto to off to auto again. Worked with one switch of the light. This was done on a base Prius (non-NAV) Canadian version so not sure if this makes a difference or not.
I believe it's not, at least not easily, doable. Harold was asking about this, and that's the responses he got, at least that's my recollection. He's got a second gen though.
It seems with the second generation ,the diagnosis menu allows you to set the destination country and then it least from what I saw on my travels on the web but seems to not be the case for Gen III
When I got my Canadian spec. Advanced Technology model with Navigation, I had to set up the system as the dealer had not done so. At the time, the dash and nav. system read miles per gallon. After switching the nav. system over to metric, it has remained the same. So when I take road trips down south to the states I can use the dash switch to change the speedometer setting to read in miles per hour, but the consumption displays and disance the car has travelled remain in the metric system, along with the outside temperature display. Again, everythng used the US system when I took delivery. I think once initially set, it just sticks it into non volitile memory, although my car has no had the 12 volt battery disconnected for any reason, so I'm not sure if these settings are non volitile or stored using batt. backup. Roland