I have had my car for about 1 year now.... Took me a bit to learn it - when i first got it temps were 35-50f. I woud avg 38-45mpg. Then i got better and my avg was 40-50mpg... Then summer hit... Yippie, cleaner fuel and warmer engines! I hit 60mpg avg on atleast 2 tanks! (Lot of work and carful driving but i did it) I have 50-55mpg if i drive 'smart' (55-65Mph) 45-50mpg if i drive 'stupid' (70Mph+) Now back in winter - im seeing 40-50mpg - big thing thats buggin me is the damn bladder, can only get 8-9g in and am only getting like 350-400 miles of a tank! During the summer i was use to 550-600 miles to the tank!
Haa!...I knew I smelled a troll - am I good or what? besides what everyone mentioned before, especially the financial issues that must be questioned,...and from what I said from the start about so many inconsistencies about the story, here are a few more clues: Why would you go through so much effort to post a picture of that posed gas guzzler when the subject was about your Prius? The poster could have at least show the Prius "stuck in the mud" Why would someone with the signature of "Gerty" have a user name of RikRotorhead? I believe what we have here is a Manly-man troll named Rick, who is the proud new owner of an Avalanche that he named Gerty (perhaps after a 6-pack of PBR). The new Dodge Daytona that is referred as her "son" owning is either the new Ram that he couldn't get financing on, or is an older junk Daytona that he traded in for his new Avalanche. Did anyone notice that certain parts of "Gerty"s post pretty much match the banter of most anti-hybrid folks?...i.e. X amount over sticker, only getting X amount mpg...never make the money back in gas...etc. The poster was forum savvy in posting pics, using smilies, and such - I doubt a person of whom is portrayed would have easily done such a thing. And of course, to portray one's self as an emotionally and verbally abused, man-controlled woman is sad. That is the last clue - seems this type of woman is what Rick Roterhead dreams of while driving his manly-man Avalanche.
What bothered me most, aside from the B.S. about getting 19 mpg with an Avalanche and only 32 with a Corolla is the claim of having to scrimp and save but they can afford 2700 acres. C'mon. Also, now that I think of it, would an Avalanche be the best choice for a situation like that? I'd think that they'd have a pickup truck.
lolz...the incredibly amusing things about this are: *The man poses as a woman to brag about his manly car and bash the prius *The "hubby" he describes(actually himself) gets unanimously $hitcanned as a jackass people are funny
In addition, "Gertie" joins Priuschat using her husband's name "Rik" in her screen name to complain about him?
You know what's really amazing?? I read the first post from this Prius Envier (is that a word???), and I knew immediately it was a low life troll. As the Prius continues to succeed, more and more posts like this will occur. Jealousy......
I'm not willing to write this off as a troll just yet. It's only been a day or so, maybe 48 hours since the original post. Also notice that the posts were both made in the wee hours of the morning. Perhaps Gertie works third shift and with New Years, she hasn't had time to get back on. However, there are some glaring inconsistancies in the story that need to be addressed. One thing that I need to know is: just how the heck are you driving that car to achieve 32 MPG? The WORSE tank I've ever gotten in the dead of winter was 40 MPG. At this minute, in Pheonix, the temperature is 54F and I average ~47MPG in 50 degree temperature. Secondly, you might own land in Arizona, but the IP address of your post ( resolves to Oklahoma. Specifically, a data processing center owned by AMOCO in Tulsa. http://sunny.nic.com/cgi-bin/whois Also, I would have to ask why you didn't post any messages under the screen name "Fobia" registered to the same IP address in November, '04. I'm not usually one to jump to conclusions and I'll personally feel really bad if the original post was done with good intentions. But understand that some of the things you mentioned in your original post are extremely "out of sync" with the average experience of the 11,000+ international members of this board.
When we first got our Prius, my wife would get 28-32 mpg. I was worried something was wrong with the car, so I would take it out and get 44-50. Once she got used to driving the right way, she's up to 42. She used to accelerate hard, be on the gas right up until the stop light and never coast. I just mention that to point out it seem plausible to me someone can get poor mileage...but I think this OP is a fake...
Nice sluething Tony! I thought therewas something fishy about this post, but couldn't put my finger on it.
gosh, I had no idea this place was filled with such mean doubting thomases I am sorry if I made anybody uneasy here I thought I was just posing a question and wanted some simple answers, I am 61 years old and can still work a good 14 hours a day, I take offense to those of you who think I look like a "troll", you people don't even know me or anything about me and you call me mean names. I have used the computer before, I'm not an idiot, I know how to sell items on ebay too, I cut and paste and the picture appears. My husband works for BP/Amoco in Tulsa, he is the CFO of his dept. he flies helicoptors back and forth to work, he set up this account for me so I would stop chewing his ear off, he wanted me to meet friendly people that had same interests. I "scrimp & save" like anybody else does, just because we have a bank account doesn't mean I have to empty it every month :angry: My sons Dodge is a CAR, not a truck, he does not live with us anymore but he still visits from time to time, he is going to veterinary school in southern california. We OWN 11 vehicles, 4 Dodge trucks (I believe they are all diesels) and several farm tractors, we employ 44 to work the "Ranch" and they mostly drive the trucks. I have the only toyota we've ever owned, my husband drives the Avalanche mostly in Oklahoma because he doesn't want to leave any of his "good" trucks there (he considers Dodge trucks the best). In closing, my son and husband gave me less grief than you guys have, I cannot for the life of me understand why I was so attacked and torn apart by you people, I will not post here anymore, I have nothing to say to you all and really don't think I have anything to learn here. good day.
Looking back at all the responses...only 10 were in the "pro-troll" camp...myself included. But you seem a little sensitive. A lot of posters asked real, legitimate questions and there were many informative responses. In the world of internet forums, there are a lot of rude comments out there and I think you would be sorely mistaken if you thought everyone was nice on any forum...except maybe a quilting forum. If however, you are a troll, then it was a pretty pathetic attempt to lay a guilt trip on everyone...
Just wanted to point out for future reference that many ISPs do not have static IP addresses. I have Comcast, and I get a new IP address every time my computer comes on.
yes except that every single IP that you've ever gotten comes from a block that is assigned to comcast. its not random! i still think this person is just trolling, but who cares. lets move on
lolz.... I LOVE how he/she believes "troll" was a judgement of her appearance, of which of course we have no idea ! if you do come back Rik, a "troll" is a newish member of a forum who joins because they are bored and like to poke fun/make trouble... still, her husband and son sound like jackasses in that orginal post...