OK, so we just got a 2012 Prius and I was psyched on the ipod integration and loaded up 60GB on an old iPod and stuck it in the car and had about 4 hours of total random shuffle bliss. Then I wanted to show it off to a friend and I used voice command to tell it to play a song, which it did. But now it will only play that song. It seems it now has a playlist of only that one song and there's no way to disable that. The best thing I can do is say "play songs like this" which chooses 25/50/100 similar songs, which I don't want. if I use the back arrow the only top level options I have are artist/album/song/genre and selecting any of those requires me to make another selection, even "all songs" just takes me to a list of all the songs, no way to select play all the songs. If I click a song, then it just plays that one song, repeatedly (and no, repeat isn't selected) I want to play ALL the songs on random again, but can't seem to find anyway to do that. Does anyone have any insight into this problem? I RTFM and it's useless. thanks.
There's two ways to do it that I know of with the 7" HDD nav. I'm not sure if you have that or the Display Audio version. If the latter, this is worth a try anyway. -- Voice command "play playlist" whatever your playlist is named. It starts at the first song in the playlist, but you can randomize after that. -- Manually browse to the playlist that has all of your songs. You can scroll up and down through the playlist if you're looking for a particular song to start with.
Thanks! I do have the HDD Nav version - But this is the weird thing - I have no options to play a playlist ever. I have playlists on my iPod, but I don't have an option to use them when it's connected. Artist, Song, Album & Genre only. No playlists anywhere.... :\
Odd. I had to go out to my car and look. When I have the USB screen displayed, and I touch "Browse," then "Playlists" is one of the options. You didn't say how old your iPod is. It might be that it's just too old to be fully compatible. I had problems with an old 1st gen Touch. It was the same sort of thing where it wouldn't see my playlist. I created a new playlist in iTunes and resynced the Touch, and then the playlists worked. But I had to create a new playlist. Then I got a new iPod, and it works great. Good luck! I hope you get it working.
Interesting. This is an old iPod, though I don't recall anything different with my iPhone, but I'll have to check and will try making a new playlist like you mentioned. Thanks!
I have the Premium Audio/NAV 6.1. All I have to do is go to BROWSE-SONGS-(select song) then push Random Icon.