Thanks to those cooler heads who try to advise us not to get into debt with a new Prius, I have decided to take their advice and do just that after waiting since September for a car which is going to be here perhaps next week. I have never bought a car before without taking out a loan , but this time that is what I intend to do. I think I was somewhat blinded by the Tax Credit and rushed myself into rationalizing that, although I don't really NEED a new car right now, it would be smart to take advantage of the credit. This would be a very good idea if I had enough disposable income to pay cash. It isn't all that smart to finance half the cost of a Package 7 or even 5 in order to get the credit. The amount of interest I would end up paying would be more than the tax credit anyway. This has been very difficult decision for me. Being on Prius chat, learning a lot about the Prius and getting to know all of you has had the effect of making me feel very comfortable about jumping right into buying a Prius weather I have to borrow or not. Perhaps I can save fast enough to have the money for a '07, perhaps not. My Subaru Outback has 128,000 miles on it. I am going to detail it, get the little things fixed I have been letting go and drive it carefully with hope that something major doesn't go wrong in the meantime. I will drive my wife's Honda Civic as much as possible to save gas. Who knows what the next year or two will bring as far as the Prius or other hybrids? I intend to contiune to participate in here -- it is a lot of fun and extremely educational. You are a great group.
aww, that's a tough decision. but good for you, looking before you leap. paying cash is probably the best route as far as saving money. wish we could have done that, the financing thing has been a nightmare. while new cars are fun, they're also expensive and sometimes it's easy to get sucked into the 'fun' and regret the 'expensive' later on.
GreenMachine, Congrats! I mean it. What self discipline. It is a tough decision to buy a new vehicle these days. They are way over priced IMHO. The ONLY reason this is a go for me financially is because my company pays me for driving a "new" car. It covers payment, gas, insurance and then some. I know that I'm very fortunate for that too. Otherwise, I'm happy driving a vehicle that's paid matter what it looks like Good luck to you in the future of getting what you want when the timing is right. Your PC friend, Aaron
I feel for you, as I can imagine how hard it must be---especially at this point---to back away. But you know what's best for you, and we all want that, too. It's always fun when you're here posting. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't want to be around much over the next couple of months to hear all the "I've got mine!" squeals. Then again, being able to say to yourself that you've done the right thing, it may not bother you. I personally hope to see you here as much as you might want to be. And you can still drive the 3,000 miles for ribs and to get out of the cold! That offer stands.
Thanks for the encouragement everyone -- very helpful to my spirits this new years day as I imagine everyone going to pick up their brand new Prii very soon. Forget the ribs Jack, I might just come out there and ride around and around and around in your Prius with you. I'm trying my best not to covet my neighbor's twenty-first century "nice person" this morning.
My fanancal guy is always warning me to avoid "spending a dollar to save a dime." Congrats on a practical application of straight thinking. There already have been a few people on PC who have had to sell or trade in their Prius due to financial reasons. In the end, it is just a car and there are many more important in life.
GreenMachine, I am not sure what your situation is, but if you really want a new car and can afford to pay 500-600 a month, why don't you do what I did. Buy it with a credit card. Get a card with 0%APR for a year and try to pay as much as you can monthly or at least the minumum. That way you will have no finance charges and in case you don't pay it off in a year you can always transfer the balance to another card that offers 0%APR until you pay it off. It would help if you could put some money down up front and you have to make sure you don't miss any payments. Worked like a charm for me.
There is no guarantee another 0% apr card will be around one year from now, let alone two, three, and four years down the road. Miss one payment, and it blows up. Miss a payment on another card, and it blows up. Forget to pay a bill completly unrelated to credit cards, and the deal blows up. Incur additional debt, and the deal might blow up. Welcome to the world of 'universal default'. If you do not have the reserves to fall back on, it is a high risk venture, and I would strongly advise against it. btw, I take 0% apr pretty often, but I *always* have the money to pay back if the need arises. And it has happened.
that's why I said that you can't miss a payment. I've never missed nor was late on any of my payments ever in my entire life so I am not concerned. In my case if I am not paid off in 1 year or there is no other card with 0%, the amount to pay off for me will be so minimal that if needed I will be able to borrow it from anyone. Like I said it works for me.
Although your suggestion seems to work for someone who has never missed nor was late on any payment in their entire life -- that isn't me. I have also resolved to totally pay off my credit cards as part of this new discipline, but that is another story in perhaps another thread.
Hi~ Good 4U!!!! A smart financial decision with your education on this line will leave u stress free for the while needed. I realize I may be in the minority of financial wizardry. But, a long time ago my brother-in-law and sister (self made millionaires), shared that low interest rate school loans or alike CAN or may help u in the long run more than u think. The obvious is a home that can go up in value from the $$ u invested or career that inevitably will guarentee (to a degree) a better financial future. Ofcourse a car, although a necessity for most, can be a comforting tool if u need a stress-free drive to and from work regardless of miles! I, personally, am taking the plunge because I dislike the fuel cost and it's on-going mess with the world. This challenge is my contribution in trying to co-exist with my conscience and the political reality. If there was a hybrid to run on an american raised crop in the next year....I would probably jump on that too!! All I know is that regret, like resentment, never hurts anyone but the person reflecting. The young woman who is buying my car said OMG! When she saw my 2002 Aztec and it's condition. I'll get $9500 instead of the dealer's $8500, and she saves from the $13,500 the dealer wants for the same car. So, she, myself and Toyota employees remain just a bit happier with the deals exchanged. I have friends who do less, enjoy less, complain more with their older car. I enjoy the new car smell, the warranty/guarentee and above all the technological safety features for 2006!! HaPpY NeW YeAr to ALL!!!!!!! Barry
maggieddd, I'm glad it works for you; it works for me, too. But it can be a really bad idea, if you do not have a back up plan, are not extremely disciplined, and in general do not know the pitfalls and have taken the required steps to avoid them. GreenMachine's credit card debt is a red flag against this idea, because it means he does not have reserves, and is at risk of universal default from 'excessive debt' in the eyes of the lenders. And in all likelihood, entering into a new car obligation would defer for years the chance to pay off the credit card debt at what -- 10 - 15% apr ? The Prius will only improve; get rid of that credit card debt, greenMachine !
Ohh, I didn't realize GreenMachine has credit card debt. In this case I strongly advise against my strategy
I originally had this bit in my first reply but took it out because I felt it was a little too intrusive. Alas, I'm writing it again. If you don't have Quicken or Money or any financial software, buy one. It's a really good purchase. Personally, my financials were in shambles until I started tracking everything. I had no idea how much I was spending on lunches out, dinners out, bars, silly things, etc. There's a book called The Millionaire Next Door that changed the way I look at everything. Another good purchase; I reread it every year. Buying a software package and tracking every income and expense sounds extreme to some, but it might be compared to all the MPG tracking and tweaking discussed on this board. And with the software, you can create reports, charts, graphs, and analyse your spending in various perspectives in order to eliminate or reduce the highest items. In the end, all the advice and software in the world only do what you do with them.
I second the 'millionaire next door'. It does start repeating itself, but the core ideas are spot on. I tried for years to get my wife to track her spending. Each month, we would sit down together and go over the credit card. In addition to the items bought that were already forgotten about by the time it came to pay them, there was always a couple hundred dollars that simply went unaccounted for. Eventually, motivated by a fair bit of annoyance on my part, we have hit on a solution that we are both pretty satisfied with: 1. She has a budget, that I will not add to. If she spends less than the budget, the money is hers to do with as she sees fit, no questions asked. 2. To stay within the budget, she uses a PDA to track her spending. No desktop software worked; the PDA is perfect. Often when she has a couple of minutes on her hands waiting for something, she pulls out the PDA, and enters her receipts. She actually likes knowing exactly where she stands, and it has been months that she has not been exactly spot on. She also likes me not looking over her shoulder anymore. I like it even better. Every two weeks to correspond with the paycheck, she pays off her credit card, and begins anew. No Cash, No Buy.
I commend you for being able to sit back and think this through amid all of the excitement. That's an excellent way to start out the year! You may already be using Quicken, MS Money, or the like. I've had Quicken for years and use it faithfully. Most of the stores right now will give you Quicken 2006 for free if you purchase any tax software. Happy New Year!
GreenMachine - I hope we will continue to see your posts in this forum and congratulations - it sound like the right decision from here. Stay warm!
I have had Quicken for many years. I also a have a very good diet book, but ............ I can't be the only one in here that isn't extremely well disciplined? :lol: Everyone's points are a helpful kick in the butt for me. My wife an I have had a very good discussion regarding them this morning and change is in the air. Now, about that damn "B" gear ..............
Bravo! good decision. I will never finance another vehicle as long as I live. Not having car paymennts is a really big plus.