From my other posts, most of you know that I'm debating between selling my 2003 Ford F150 SuperCrew and purchasing a new Prius. Fortunately, my local Toyota dealership allowed me to rent their 2005 loaner Prius until Monday to see what I think. The charge is only $30 . . . a small price to pay for such a big investment. Tonight, I also test drove a 2006 package 7. It was silver with grey interior. They also have a new, white 2005 package 6 with tan interior on the showroom floor. If the price was right, does anyone know whether or not the tax credit will work on the 2005 if I purchase it on Monday? Other than the rear camera and the difference in the headlights, tail lights, and texture of the interior dash, etc., is there a big difference between the 2005 pacakge 6 and the 200 package 7? Thanks! . . . we're taking the Prius out for a little test driving!!!!!
Congrats on your soon-to-be purchase. I rented one as well for 2 days and loved it. Lots of good stuff here. Happy New Year.
The biggest difference, I believe, is in the high-end entertainment system, which will now play MP3 and WAV files as well as audio CDs, and the higher resolution display screen. Oh, and the chrome center-grill bar. No real functional difference. Count the airbags. I already bought my 2005 last March, so I don't know about the tax credit situation.
I cant advise you on the new tax credit issue.. id go for an 06 regardless if buying a new car; any 05 still on the lot is a year old even if noones bought it, you should ask it to be discounted $2-3k IMO. What I wish my 05 had that comes with the 06's: toughend interior textures : It's easy to scuff/ scratch th 05 surface iPOD ready/ or at least it has a line in device mp3 CD capable if you dont already have an iPOD Supposedly there is also a new stiffener to improve control/handling of the vehicle, but my 05 seems fine anyhow
Stranger, 1.) Advanced Airbags-THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE TO ME-(multi-stage/sensored for impact degree) 2.) Lower rear seats (a little more room) 3.) Nav unit is better (better graphics, voice dialing via name and/or digit dialing-biggie for me- and more) Yes, the tax credit is the same (appx $3,150 for the Prius in 2006 whether it's an 05 or 06) as long as it's "put in service" in 06 as long as the AMT thing doesn't hit ya. Hope that helps too, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Aaron
You can take the 2006 tax credit on a new Prius as long as it its purchased in 2006 - does not matter if it is a new 2005 or 2006. The price "difference" the 2006 MSRP is $28K and the 2005 was $27K. I say "was" because you should be able to get the 2005 at least $1000 below MSRP. I pick up my 2005 silver pkg #6 on Monday. By the time I figure in tax and tags the 2006 pkg #7 would have been out of my price range. I would have had to settle for a 2006 Pkg#6 without NAV. So I am very happy to take last year's model and have the NAV in the car. After all the rebates and federal tax credit my cost will be less than $24K. Springtime
Well, I took the Prius back to the dealer today. I must say, even though it was a pakage 2, it was a decent car. Of course, the best part was when I went to fill it up to return it to the dealership. After driving it a lot on Saturday night, all day Sunday and part of Monday morning, it only took $8 @ $2.06 a gallon!!! The things I didn't like though was how easily it was blown all over the road. We had high winds and I definitely had to fight the car to keep it in its lane. Also, the back up alert is very annoying. If I do purchase a Prius it will be one of the first things that I would like to disconnect.
Yup. There's no doubt that the Prius gets blown around a bit in even moderate winds at highway speeds. It's never been enough to really bother me, but I definately notice it. Reverse beep is really easy to disable. You shouldn't let that influence your decision.
Stranger, Were did that pic come from in your aviator? That's a cool color of blue. It's not available in the US is it?????? If so what color is it? I think I like it and would check it out!
Wow that sure is a nice looking color. I think I would take it if it was available her. Maybe I need to go to Japan and fly one home Just think of the looks I would get from other Prius drivers Maybe I ought to get a sugar daddy to set that up for mr! B)