I know this has been asked in various forms on the site, but I cannot quite find what I am looking for. Should I ask for anything specific when bringing in my 2012 Prius for it's 10k toyota care service? Oil types, filters? tighten bolts? check cabin filter? I will ask to inflate to 42, in the front and 41 in the back, but I am not sure on the more technical stuff. I should mention I live in a dusty region, with hills and such on my daily commute. Thanks guys!
Report anything out of the ordinary like your tire pressures. Also mention the dusty roads. Other than that, they stick to a checklist... (refer to user manual).
Not sure they will overinflate your tires (according to the sticker on your driver door jamb), they will probably say they have to stick to the factory recommended pressures. You know CYA, in this age of litigation and everything.
Look in your owner's manual, and there's a list of req'd maintenance items. I don't recall what they are, and you should be looking it up even if I thought I knew. That's not me being snarky....that's you being smart, and not relying on a know-it-all, or (worse) some person in the maintenance hangar at the local Toyota dealership that's looking to up-sell you on maintenance items that you don't need. This is a 10k service. I'm not sure about the cabin air filter, but in Reno, it does get dusty. You might want to double down on the engine air filter checks, since that's pretty important too. You should be able to check this filter for yourself, but I understand that some people don't like to swing wrenches on their cars. The price of an extra air filter will be cheap insurance against the possibility of a fodded out motor, and who knows??? You might actually have an honest service department that won't sell you something that you don't need. A competent service tech should be able to yank the filter, tap out all of the loose crap, look at the media and tell you whether or not you need a new one in about 30 seconds. If they actually show you the filter and why you need one (and if it actually came out of your car) then that's one sign of a pretty good wrench. It really boils down to this. Toyota Care covers the required maintenance items to keep your vehicle maintained to warranty specs. Period. Anything that they offer to do extra for free is pretty nice. Anything that they "suggest" you have done should require an explanation, since Toyota Care covers the required maintenance items, right? Sometimes.....if you live in a dust bowl, there are additional maintenance items that need to be attended to. I'd pay particular attention to filters and fluids. Since you appear to be at the tender mercies of your local dealership, I'd ask intelligent and very pointed questions about any additional maintenance items that they want you to pay for. Sometimes.....there's a good reason. MOST times, the "good reason" is that the dealership's maintenance department wants to make a little additional profit off of fear and ignorance. If this sounds somewhat cynical, there's a good reason for it! I've seen more than one "Air Conditioner Fresh-O-riser" or "throttle body service" or engine and transmission "flush jobs" performed (or attempted) on healthy automobiles. Caveat emptor. (Let the buyer beware.) There's a reason that Toyota yanks you back into the dealership every 5-10K miles for "free" scheduled maintenance, and it's NOT to sample the free coffee in the waiting lounge! Good Luck!
It depends on what you've previously done to the car. Technically, I'd say change the oil and rotate the tires and that's IT. The oil change/tire rotation should come with a complimentary X-point inspection that will uncover any extra-needed maintenance (rare). If you changed the oil at 5k, you could wait until 15k for the oil. I usually do 5k increments though despite the 10k increment change. If you rotated at 5k, do it again at 10k. Here's a handy guide
My dealer has inflated the tires to max sidewall & left the tp there on the last oil change. They also washed the car even though I asked them not to. Every dealer may not be so accommodating but it doesn't hurt to ask & to leave a note on the dash covering what you want & don't want done. As already stated, Toyota is paying for the service so take all the "free" stuff & decline whatever is extra. (It really only needs an oil & filter change.)
Thanks for the advice guys, ill take out the manual at lunch today and see what I have to work with, checklist wise. Appointment is this afternoon.
Wow! That's asking for trouble in an emergency handling (or wet road) situation. The dealer (or specific individual there) could be open to a very large lawsuit if you were to get into an acccident due to such high pressure.
The only 'extra' beyond the Toyota recommendation that I recommend is to change the Transaxle fluid (with WS ATF) at 30000 miles then every 60000 miles thereafter. They should add air per your request, so long as that is not over the max limit on the tire. http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/omms/T-MMS-12Prius/pdf/2012_Toyota_Prius_WMG.pdf Page 40 of the PDF, page 38 of the manual