Ok, after a year of research and homework on the Prius the car will be in the garage on Monday. Whoa.....oh oh. See, my wife, when she comes home places her keys on a counter top right next to the garage door. Earlier in my research I had heard the batteries in the Key Fob would drain much quicker if kept within the 15 foot radius of the Prius. And you guessed it, the Prius will be well within that range when she plunks down that fob at her usual counter top. I just never made the connection until just now. What do I do? Is this a non-issue? Is there another way to deal with this? Lead lined box for her to drop the fob into etc? lol I really don't know what to expect here. Any suggestions or comments are welcome. Also, while we are talking about SKS, are both the SKS fobs the same? What happens if we both have one with us in the car? Will it somehow get confused? Thanks for your real life answers.
we can't lock our car from the house with the door closed, but we can lock it with the door open... maybe the door will block that signal enough. otherwise... just move your wife's keys and hope she doesn't get too mad DH and i often both have our keys with us, it causes no problems. we can both unlock our doors individually, which is nice.
I'm gonna bet that your wife puts her keys on the counter so she can find them, stick the key in the ignition, and start the car. Just tell your wife to keep the fob in her purse with her driver's license. No need to ever get the fob out with SKS. I think this will be a non-problem.
Thank you for your post on this subject. I too tend to leave my purse in the house very near the attached garage! I had not realized it might be a problem. Looks like I may have to change my routine. So much to learn and only 40 hours left to do so! Springtime
My suggestion would be to designate a small metal tin--maybe the size/kind you get X-mas cookies in. You can paint it or whatever. That should serve adequately as a Faraday cage (if it's deep enough or you put a lid on it) and block the signal from causing a problem.
Well, she doesn't use a computer, still uses a 35mm film camera, she almost had a panic attack when I showed her how to use the MFD on the Prius and just the mention of me setting up my Plug & Play satellite radio in the Prius gives her a stomach ache. I think we agreed it was better for her to stick with the routine of "putting in a key" into a hole to start the car.
Wow, do you guys have only one remote at home for you tv/home entertainment center? (not the fancy universal kind?)
No...that would mean she'd have to press the "SAT", "VCR", "TV" or "DVD" button before using each componant. So we just have 4 remotes in a little cloth holder on the sofa.
Well, I think we have pretty well covered the SKS part of your question. Do you want us to help with the "keeping my wife happy" part now? J/K :lol:
Somehow I just knew someone would say that. Thanks to everyone else (hehe) for their excellent responses. Now, Mr. GreenMachine.......lets get out to the shed and discuss this. Pick your weapon. hahahahahahaha
*Tell* the wife to keep the fob in her purse? Bill, are you a member of some weird religious sect? mdmike, you don't have to disable SKS to use the key. You can be in the 21st Century and co-exist with your wife even though she remains in the 20th.
I use the SKS when I'm driving around. As for my wife, she's always leaving her purse somewhere, or she doesn't bring it at all...it has been thouroughly discussed at home...it's for the best!
You probably don't need to worry. I think the 15 feet is greatly exaggerated. There's a little LED on the fob that blinks whenever it transmits. It's next to the lock button and if you press the lock button, you will see it flash. You will also see it flash every couple of seconds when you are standing within a couple of feet from one of the doors on you Prius. With my car, it flashes regularly when I'm within about 3 feet from the driver's door, but stops flasing when I'm farther from the door, such as in front of the car. I would assume that the power drain from the fob would occur when it is transmitting back to the car. I would further assume that the little LED lights up when it transmits back to the car. So, if you look at the fob when it is in the place where you store it, and you don't see the LED flash every couple of seconds, then I would bet that you are safe and are not running down the fob's battery. Of course, I could be completely wrong.
Another eureka moment. Marlin, you should have seen my face when you said "There's a little LED on the fob that blinks whenever it transmits." I took out my fob and looked but didn't see any obvious place for the LED. Then I hit the lock button and bam....there it was. Boy, suddenly everything made sense. Nope, no LED is indicating any transmitting when stored. And it sure does make sense that is when it would be losing battery power. Thank you for that feedback. It sure did help a lot.