Hi all. We are considering trading in our '04 Prius with 165k on it for a new one. The plug-in looks like a good option for us except for two concerns... Are there longer plug-in cables/tethers/cords (not sure what they are called) available? I live in the city with with a narrow lot and a tiny garage that is useless for vehicles. The only place to park the Prius is behind the lightly used minivan, in the single-width driveway. The van is rarely parked right up next to the garage door either as we need space to get the bikes out (my commuter vehicle of choice) and (in winter) give room for the snow/ice slide off the slate roof from damaging the vehicle. So I'm looking at an easy 30 feet minimum to get toward the back of a Prius. Does the Prius console clearly show when the car is plugged in or is it prevented from starting up or being put in gear? The plug in side of the Prius parked in our driveway would be away from the front door and I just know I would come running out to get somewhere quickly, jump in and not notice/forget to check that the Prius was still plugged in. I undoubtedly will attempt to drive away while still plugged in. I suspect that is a bad thing. I appreciate any answers or suggestions you have to offer. S-
I just use an outdoor extension cord, I think it's a 12 gauge. No problems. There is a light which lights up right next to where it plugs in while it is charging. When done charging it goes off. But that doesn't matter since iIf it is plugged in and you get in and try to engage drive reverse etc, it reminds you you are plugged in and will not engage the gear. Also, if you are unplugged but forget to shut the charging door it'll remind you also of that being open and not properly closed.
2) it will not start when plugged in. 1) can you have an outdoor outlet installed next to the driveway near the back of the car? you can use an extension cord, but you have to be careful about the size.
Does the extension cord plug directly into the Prius, or do you plug the special cable/tether (What is that thing called?) into the extension? Assuming the latter, my concern is an unprotected electrical connection laying on the ground during rain/snow/whatever. I was assuming I would install one of the Leviton charging stations, but the cord is too short (from what I can tell). Here's a thought... Is it possible to replace the cable for the Leviton charging stations with a longer one? Can the box and head be dismantled to rewire it myself?
That is unlikely. That side of the driveway is about a foot from the property line, and is where all the snow from my and the neighbor's driveway gets piled (over 6, hard-packed feet two winters ago).
You plug the extension cord into the outlet and then into the charger included with the car. Then the charger plugs into the car. For rain/snow etc maybe use something like this where the extension cord plugs into the charger cord: Amazon.com: Farm Innovators CC-1 Cord Connect Water-Tight Cord Lock - Orange: Home Improvement
I already posted this, but I have a situation like yours. I installed a dedicated GFCI circuit breaker and ran new Romex to a new, weatherproof outlet on the side of my house. Then I put some hooks in to hold it.
But this is a "soft" reminder; the car will still operate normally with charge door open, as long as you are unplugged.
How well do I know that one! There is a serious disjuncture in my routine when it comes to unplugging and closing that door. You would think it would just be that easy, but for some reason, I can't make that move: Unplug, close door. For whatever the reason, I miss more times than I get it done.
Yes, I did not mean otherwise, should I have mentioned that? If someone wants to drive around with that long message displayed on the screen, well...
i drove my wife to the gas station to pick up her car the other day with the charge door open all the way. i never noticed the message.
mia culpa. it's a good thing you can't start it whilst plugged in or i'd have already dragged half my garage down the street.
I use an extension cord that I picked up from Lowe's. I asked my electrician what gauge to pick up.. it is a thick extension cord that is heavy to lug around. Sometimes I take it with me not knowing how far I will be from a plug. As for weather issues... make sure your electrician installs a GFCI on the outdoor plug.
Bisco, I tested my PIP. I can't put it in gear when the plug is still connected. After removing the plug, I can put the PIP in gear and drive away, but the display shows "Recharge Inlet Door is Open". You can change the display to another screen, like HIS, but the message re-appears every time you change gears.
That looks nice, but I'm already planning on installing a GFCI, weather-proof outlet at the closest corner of the house. I need an additional 30 feet or so from that point. I had figured I'd get one of the Leviton "home charging stations" until I saw the price! How long is the charger cord in your picture?
What does Toyota say about the car with charger plugged in sitting out in pour rain? Do they say the connection at the car is waterproof or the charger? I'm thinking of running 300 feet from the house in mining cable and mounting a charger in my parking spot but started wondering about the car mfg. saying this was not safe.
The cable that comes with the car is safe in rain, assuming that the 120V outlet meets electrical code. Code varies by locale, but usually states you have to have a GFCI circuit or outlet, and the outlet has to have a weatherproof cover. The manner of running the cable from the breaker panel to the outlet is also prescribed by the code, and it depends on whether it runs through a wet or dry location, above ground or under. It's NOT complicated; you're not memorizing the whole electrical code. You can like explain what you want to do to your city and they'll tell you exactly.