That's what Toyota calls the assembly that houses the two personal/interior lights and the shift lever light. I'd like to get into that assembly and borrow some electricity for a radar detector. I can't figure out how the overhead console is assembled and I don't want to start prying blindly. You guys know how easy it is to ding the plastic forever.
I pulled my overhead console down to put a microphone in it. It is held in place by four tight plastic push pins. first remove the panel closest to the windshield and then pull down the ovwehead console sttarting from the windshield . You cant start at the rear because it has two small projections that are on top of the headliner at the rear of the unit.
Overhead is held in place by pins which are really tight. If you go there once, you will go there again. I put vasoline on the pins and the panel comes off much easier. Not too much and it wont hurt a thing.
IMkenNY, do you mean there's a separate piece in the front? Or it's all one piece? And did you start with fingernails, or a spatula, or one of your wife's butter knives, or some other prying instrument?
When comparing dis-assembly methods, remember that there are at least three different consoles, depending on trim level and sunroof or not.
Any suggestions on a good fuzz buster I find myself less aware of my speed with all these fancy new matching tires struts that work and u joints. I kinda had a seat of the pants speedo.
Just be aware, that there is not ACC/IGN-ON power source - just headlight on (ILL+) and +BAT (always +12V).
Wow, thanks for the excellent feedback! It didn't occur to me that the overhead console would be different between models. And I sure didn't think about the power inside the console not being switched. When we bought our 2001 Suby Forester I dug into the overhead console in order to power a radar detector. The wiring I found was off when the key was off. +2 Jenpen's request for recommendations. I have an ancient radar-only detector. It would probably be good to move up to one that detects laser, too.