Hi everyone! My 2004 Prius has a little over 233,000 miles and is still running strong... but a few of months ago I noticed that the engine was working harder than normal when I first started out in the mornings. I checked the gauge on the MFD that displays the battery charge and could see that sometimes the battery would be almost depleted. (It would be showing the last two lines in purple.) At first this seemed to happen only occasionally but now, several months later, it happens every morning and even after the car has sat without running for a couple of hours. It always charges back up after about 5 minutes of driving but I can tell it doesn't have the pep it used to have and passing a car at 55 will almost deplete the battery even when it is fully charged. I had been averaging 51-52 mpg but it's now averaging 43-44. So, are these the signs of the traction battery crawling on it's last legs and if it is, has anyone tried replacing it with a used one? How can you make sure you're buying a "good" used battery and how hard are they to install? Any info would be helpful... Thanks!
Maybe you would get a response faster if posted in the Gen II forum? The Prius v has only been released recently, so I don't think there is much experience with end of life questions regarding the HV traction battery.
Post is now moved to the proper forum. And as cwerdna mentioned, users cannot move their own posts. If you goto the proper forum afterwards you're only double posting the same post, not moving it. No biggie, it's all been moved now. Good luck with the car, hope it's not something serious but that is alot of miles, congrats!
To answer the question, I'd say "yes" those are classic symptoms of imminent battery failure. I suggest looking at the stickies in the gen II care maintenance & troubleshooting forum to start formulating a plan for replacement. iPad ? HD