Is there a way to upload an appropriately configured image directly from my computer for use with my profile without using a URL? Thanks in advance.
Because of size/bandwidth issues, we're not currently allowing people to upload their avatars. However, when we move to our new server (by the first of June I hope) I'll open it back up to allow people to do that. In the meantime, if you want to email your image to me, I can host it for you and update your profile with it. [email protected]
How can I get My picture of my car in my Profile it over 15k I am trying to get my Picture of my car on my profile but its too big ..any suggestions? Its a jpeg thanks
Re: How can I get My picture of my car in my Profile it over What are the pixel dimensions of the picture? There's a total size limit and a dimensions limit. Most people that don't routinely work with digital images don't realize that being jpg. or what dpi the picture is matters little for most things. What really counts is the total number of pixels and the pixel dimensions. I think Danny suggests an 80 pixel wide image...pretty tough to get good resolution at that size as it's just over or just under 1" on most monitors, but it works. I think my avatar is 150 pixels wide. If you need it resized fee free to send me your original jpg and I'll be happy to size it for you.
150x100, 15 kb - I chose that size because I thought that Evan's avatar fits the topic view perfectly.
I don't know the Pixel size but if you make it fit I would be a happy camper ..thanks I will send it soon ..thanks
My question is, how do ya make the image big enough to see clearly (like many people have on the forums) yet still not be over 15kb and 150 X 100 pixels? I'm fairly digital picture literate but my avatar has to be so small as to not be worth squinting at in order to fit the above criteria. Thanks for any help out there. I'm using a digital pic from my olympus D-550 and Irfanview to make smaller. Drive fun, drive clean, drive Prius!
I usually apply a lot of unsharp masking (or sharpening if you don't use that function) before resizing. It's probably also helpful to resize in steps--i.e. go from 3000x2000 down to 1500x1000 then 750x500 then to your 150x100 (or whatever). Resharpen as necessary after resizing. Save as a medium or so sure you're at 8 bits per channel (if you don't know what that means then you're certainly already at that size). That should get you darn close.
I went with a generic Toyota logo for my avatar while waiting. Now that I have a silver I want to changemy avatar but the local avatar list comes up blank. This happens both with my iBook (Safari and Netscape browsers) at home and Windows XP at work.