I noticed last night that my phone wasn't charging when plugged into the port under the dash. I tried the port in the arm rest and it too wasn't supplying power. The USB port did charge, however; so it's a limited issue, but one that will require a service call. At one else discover this problem? My Prius is only two months old...
Not me. Well, obviously it's a warranty issue but you might want to check your owner's manual's DIY maintenance section and look at the fuse boxes. On the bright side, you need up to update your Profile to correct your Vehicle Year and Model because you now own a Prius.
The plugin ports do not have 12V power if the car is off. If your car was not powered on then this is a normal function. It will tell you this in the owner's manual. At least this is how it works on my 2010. Since you do not list your car in your avatar we do not know what you have but you have listed in the Gen III 2010+ forum. If your car was powered on and you still did not have power then you do have an issue and need to take it to the dealer since your are under warranty.
The car was running (yes, I was fiddling with the phone cable while driving. My bad.) I could probably track down the fuse and replace it, but I'm concerned more about why the fuse blew (if in fact that was the issue). There has been no extra power draining device plugged into the ports lately, just an iPod and an iPhone.
Did it ever charge? Are you sure your 12V adapter is compatible with your phone? I assume it's an iPhone that won't charge, based on your last post. Many phones, and thus many adapters, use the firewire port for charging. The iPhone uses the USB port - that was changed with the iPhone 3G as I recall - and so an adapter that uses the firewire port will not charge the iPhone. You might also try a different cable.
I tried troubleshooting the problem by swapping out all the components, including the driver. I had a second power adapter and any number of USB to dock connector cables. All the cables resulted in no power. But swapping the dv power adapter did the trick. Both power ports work with another adapter. I'm not sure why the one I was originally using died; it was working, and even now the tiny power light on it glows when plugged into the port—but the power never leaves it via USB. I liked this adapter because it was black, and coupled with a black USB cable was less visible to someone peaking into the car. My working adapter is white, so I may have to use in inside the armrest only. Thanks to all who offered suggestions.
I bought a 2012 Prius pkg 3 pear white with dark gray interior with solar sunroof. I've heard the Prius Plug-In model reverts to gas engine if you floored it even on a full charge true?